Global Anti-Corruption

Cisco’s commitment to anti-corruption

A message from Dev Stahlkopf, EVP and Chief Legal Officer.

Cisco has zero tolerance for any activities that lead to corruption, including bribery.

Our customers, partners, and stakeholders around the world trust us, and the products and services we deliver, because we consistently uphold strong values and always strive to make the right choices in how we conduct business. And when it comes to compliance, we have set the bar high.

Our policy

We all have a role to play in protecting Cisco from potential compliance risk. Cisco’s Global Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy applies to, and governs the conduct of, our employees and others acting on behalf of Cisco in all countries where Cisco operates. All employees must certify their understanding and compliance with this policy and complete anti-corruption and bribery training on an annual basis. In addition, Cisco managers are required to ensure that the people under their supervision understand and adhere to this policy.

Our partners

Cisco works with business partners who share our values for transparency and honesty. We require our business partners comply with our Anti-Corruption and Bribery policy and we provide the necessary training to do so. Cisco suppliers are also expected to abide by our Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Ethics Policy, as well as any relevant guiding principles, to ensure compliance.

Our reporting channels

Cisco promotes a speak up culture and prohibits retaliation. Our employees, partners, and third parties are empowered to use our reporting channels if they are ever unsure about what to do or are concerned about a potential corruption or other compliance issue. For questions or assistance anyone can contact [email protected] or reach out anonymously through Cisco's Ethics Office.

Our responsibility

Cisco’s success is built on the trust of our employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders. It’s up to all of us to preserve that trust by conducting business with ethics and integrity around the world.

Please take some time to also view the following resources:

Cisco Code of Business Conduct I Cisco Corporate Governance I Cisco Privacy and Security Compliance


Cisco's Anti-Corruption stance is reflected in these policies:

Cisco Global Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
Available in multiple languages:

Cisco Global Anti-Corruption Policy for Partners
Available in multiple languages:

Cisco Supplier Ethics Policy
Available in multiple languages:

Partner Due Diligence Process

As a part of its process to select and retain the most qualified business partners who share similar values, Cisco follows the legal due diligence steps outlined below. "Business partner" here means any Cisco reseller, systems integrator, distributor, sales agents, or sales-supporting consultant.

Step One: Business Partner completes Cisco's on-line questionnaire.

The questionnaire includes a certification that the business partner's representative has completed Cisco's Partner Anti-Corruption Training.

Step Two: Cisco completes an internal review.

Once the business partner has submitted its responses to the on-line questionnaire (including completion of the training), a Cisco due diligence team will receive notice of the submission and review the partner's responses. The due diligence team will directly contact the business partner if it has any questions about the partner's responses or seeks other information.

Separately, Cisco channel and other business organizations undertake to carefully review the business partner's business qualifications, certifications, sales, etc., according to Cisco's global channel partner program requirements. If the business partner is a distributor, Cisco's internal Distribution Review Board will review the partner's qualifications, etc.

Step Three: Cisco makes the final determination to bring the business partner onboard or renew its contract.

The last step involves Cisco's final determination whether to bring onboard a new partner and/or renew an existing business partner's contract. If Cisco elects to go forward with either a new or a renewing business partner, its channel or other business teams will work with the business partner to finalize and execute the appropriate contract.

For some types of contracts or renewals, Cisco encourages its business partners to accept the contract through an electronic "click to accept" tool as a quick and efficient way to complete the contracting process.

ABAC Program

Cisco has a robust Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption (ABAC) program in place.

We take a risk-based approach in the design of our ABAC policies and controls. As part of our ABAC program, we continually monitor geographies and aspects of our business processes potentially presenting higher ABAC risks. We scrutinize risks and deploy resources to appropriately address them.

Cisco’s Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer reports regularly to the Audit Committee of the Cisco Board of Directors on the work of Cisco’s Ethics and Compliance organization, which includes oversight of Cisco’s ABAC program.  

Cisco strives to continually improve its ABAC program, including using data and analytics to identify and mitigate ABAC risks.

Information on Cisco’s approach to risk management in relation to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters is available at Cisco’s ESG Reporting Hub.

Training and Education

Cisco Internal Anti-Corruption Training


Cisco requires the following personnel to complete global anti-corruption training:

  • Employees in sales, marketing, or services organizations who are directly involved in sales transactions with customers or channel partners or distributors who are located outside the United States
  • Employees located outside the United States who are in the sales, marketing, or services organizations
  • Legal personnel, except those who do not perform transactional work or provide compliance advice

The training is available in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Cisco Partner Anti-Corruption Training


Cisco also requires our channel partners, distributors, and sales-supporting consultants to complete anti-corruption training. Direct partners and distributors will be required to complete this training (by direct invitation) on an ongoing basis in connection with their partnership lifecycle. Indirect (2T) resellers and other partner types may complete this training using the links below.

The partner anti-corruption training is available in Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (LATAM), Spanish (Spain), Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.