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Reporting ethics concerns

Cisco counts on stakeholders to promptly speak up about violations of Cisco's Code of Business Conduct or any other policy.

There are multiple ways to contact the Ethics Office:

  • Using the Ethics Webform, externally hosted by NAVEX Global. The Ethics Webform is a way to submit an ethics case directly to appropriate Cisco management to address the matter. Individuals have the option to remain anonymous when reporting concerns.
  • Sending an email directly to [email protected].
  • Making a call through the EthicsLine, also hosted by NAVEX. The EthicsLine is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Issues are documented by a highly trained interview specialist and disseminated to appropriate Cisco management who will promptly address the matter. Interpreters are available to assist with the interview if deemed necessary by the caller. Callers have the option to remain anonymous when reporting concerns, although some countries do not allow such concerns to be reported anonymously. Details of these restrictions are provided in the country-specific dialing instructions where they apply. EthicsLine numbers for each country are listed below.

Our policy of no retaliation

We respect the confidentiality of associates who report business conduct violations. No retaliation means that if you report a concern in good faith, you cannot be subject to any adverse employment action, including separation, demotion, suspension, or loss of benefits, because of the report.

Review Cisco's Code of Business Conduct


Country Cisco EthicsLine
CountryArgentina Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Argentina, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

0800-555-9232 (Telecom)
0800-666-2457 (Telefonica)

CountryAustralia Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Australia, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

1-800-235-953 (Optus)
1-800-17-0857 (Reach)

CountryAustria Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Austria, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Austria.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryBelgium Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Belgium, dial 0800-7-3980.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones or pay phones.

CountryBrazil Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Brazil, dial 0800-891-4281.

Please note that dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryBulgaria Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Bulgaria, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Bulgaria.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryCanada Cisco EthicsLine

To place a toll-free call from Canada, dial 877-571-1700.

CountryChile Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Chile, dial 1230-020-5453.

Please note that this service is not available on mobile cell phones, and public phones require coin or card deposit.

CountryChina Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from China, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

10-800-711-0678—China Telecom South serves the southern provinces of Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanghai, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan, and Zhejiang.

10-800-110-0619—China Netcom Group serves the northern provinces of Beijing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia), Shandong, Shanxi, and Tianjin.

Please note the following access information which is subject to change without notice:

  • Service may not be available from every public or mobile cell phone.
  • Phone must have international access.
CountryColombia Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Colombia, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

01-800-912-0127 (Telcom Colombia)
01-800-5-1-80552 (Orbitel)

CountryCosta Rica Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Costa Rica, dial 0-800-011-1063.

Please note that dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryCroatia Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Croatia, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Croatia.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryCyprus Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Cyprus, dial 8009-0657.

CountryCzech Republic Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from the Czech Republic, dial 800-143-501.

Please note that dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryDenmark Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Denmark, dial 800-143-501.

Please note that this service is not available on mobile cell phones.

CountryDominican Republic Cisco EthicsLine

To place a Toll-Free call from the Dominican Republic, dial 1-877-571-1700.

Please note that dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryEgypt Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Egypt, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Egypt.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryEstonia Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Estonia, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Estonia.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryFinland Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Finland, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Finland.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryFrance Cisco EthicsLine

If you choose to call the Cisco EthicsLine from France:

  1. You will be asked to provide your name, which will be kept in strict confidence.
  2. You will be entitled to exercise your rights to have access to and to rectify the data related to you by contacting the Ethics Office at [email protected].
  3. Any person identified in the report will be informed of the existence and contents of such report and of their rights to oppose the processing of their personal data, to have access to the report, to provide additional information, and to correct information contained in the report.
  4. Abuse of the EthicsLine may expose you to disciplinary action (including judicial proceedings), but good faith use of the Cisco EthicsLine, even if the facts are later found to be inaccurate or inconclusive, will not expose you to disciplinary action. You are not required to use it, and if you choose not to, you need not fear adverse consequences as a result. The Ethics Office has oversight of the EthicsLine.

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from France, dial 0800-90-0073.

The Network, a Safe-Harbor certified independent company located in the United States, will answer the Cisco EthicsLine on behalf of Cisco Inc.

CountryGermany Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Germany, dial 0800-182-3093.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones or pay phones.

CountryGreece Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Greece, dial 00-800-11-004-9232.

Please note that this service is not available on mobile cell phones, and public phones require coin or card deposit.

CountryHong Kong Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Hong Kong, dial 800-964854.

CountryHungary Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Hungary, dial 06-800-18-588.

Please note that public phones require coin or card deposit and that there may be limited availability from mobile phones.

CountryIndia Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from India, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for India.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryIndonesia Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Indonesia, dial 001-803-1-004-9232.

Please note that the phone you call on must have international access. This service may not be available from mobile or pay phones.

CountryIreland Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Ireland, dial 1-800-55-8706.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones.

CountryIsrael Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Israel, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

180-931-7080 (Barak ITC)
180-941-9232 (Bezeq)
180-929-2978 (Golden Lines)

CountryItaly Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Italy, dial 800-788549.

Please note that public phones require coin or card deposit.

CountryJapan Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Japan, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

00531-11-4973 (KDD—Public phones require coin or card deposit. Access from mobile phones may be restricted).
0066-33-11-2585 (Japan/SoftBank Telecom—Public phones require coin or card deposit. Access from mobile phones may be restricted).
0034-800-900383 (Japan NTT—This service may not be available from pay phones or mobile phones).

CountryKazakhstan Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Kazakhstan, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Kazakhstan.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryRepublic of Korea Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from the Republic of Korea, dial the number that corresponds to your telephone provider:

00308-11-0527 (DACOM)
00798-1-1-004-9232 (Korea Telecom)
00368-11-0119 (ONSE)

Please note that this service is not available from every public phone or all areas. Public phones may require coin or card deposit. Other dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryLebanon Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Lebanon, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Lebanon.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryLuxembourg Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Luxembourg, dial 8002-6043.

Please note that public phones require coin or card deposit and that this service may not be available from mobile phones.

CountryMalaysia Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Malaysia, dial 1-800-81-2821.

Please note that public phones require local coin payment through call duration.

CountryMexico Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Mexico, dial 001-877-571-1719.

Please note that the phone must have international access and that you will be required to pay a per-call surcharge.

CountryMorocco Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Morocco, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Morocco.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryNetherlands Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from the Netherlands, dial 0800-022-5927.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile or pay phones.

CountryNew Zealand Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from New Zealand, dial 0800-450526.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones and that public phones require coin or card deposit.

CountryNorway Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Norway, dial 800-13290.

CountryPakistan Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Pakistan, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Pakistan.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryPanama Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Panama, dial 001-877-571-1700.

Please note that the phone you call on must have international access. This service may not be available from mobile phones. Other dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryPeru Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Peru, dial 0800-70-042.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones or from every phone/public phone.

CountryPhilippines Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from the Philippines, dial 1-800-1-111-0124.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones and that public phones may require coin or card deposit. Other dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryPoland Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Poland, dial 0-0-800-111-1655.

Please note that your phone must have international access and that public phones require coin or card deposit. You may be subject to a per-call surcharge.

CountryPortugal Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Portugal, dial 800-8-11212.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones or from every phone/public phone. Other dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid and calling cards.

CountryPuerto Rico Cisco EthicsLine

To place a toll-free call from Puerto Rico, dial 877-571-1700.

CountryRomania Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Romania, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Romania.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryRussia Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Russia, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Russia.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountrySaudi Arabia Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Saudi Arabia, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Saudi Arabia.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountrySingapore Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Singapore, dial 800-110-1557.

Please note that dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountrySouth Africa Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from South Africa, dial 0800-980-092.

Please note that dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountrySpain Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Spain, dial 900-97-1087.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones.

CountrySri Lanka Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Sri Lanka, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Sri Lanka.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountrySweden Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Sweden, dial 020-79-7157.

Please note that this service may not be available from mobile phones and that public phones require coin or card deposit.

CountrySwitzerland Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Switzerland, dial 0800-55-7749.

Please note that this service may not be available from pay phones or mobile phones.

CountryTaiwan Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Taiwan, dial 00801-10-4106.

Please note that there is limited availability from mobile phones. Other dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryThailand Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from Thailand, dial 001-800-11-004-9232.

Please note that phone must have international access. Not available from public phones or all areas. Other dialing restrictions may apply to prepaid or calling cards.

CountryTurkey Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Turkey, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Turkey.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryUkraine Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Ukraine, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Ukraine.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryUnited Arab Emirates Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from United Arab Emirates, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for United Arab Emirates.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.
CountryUnited Kingdom Cisco EthicsLine

To place an International Toll-Free Service (ITFS) call from United Kingdom, dial 0808-234-8323.

Please note that this service may not be available from every phone/public phone.

CountryUnited States Cisco EthicsLine

To place a toll-free call from the United States, dial 877-571-1700.

CountryVenezuela Cisco EthicsLine

To place a free call from Venezuela, using AT&T Direct, follow this two-step process:

  1. First, dial the AT&T Access Number for Venezuela.
  2. Then, when prompted (by a tone, operator, or recording), enter the Cisco EthicsLine number: 877-571-1700.

Reverse charge dialing instructions

If your country is not listed, follow these instructions to reach the EthicsLine:

  1. Dial your local telephone operator and say that you would like to place a reverse charge call to the following number in the United States: 770-776-5611.
  2. When the operator asks for your name, you may give your name or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, say “Cisco” is your name.
  3. A representative from The Network, a third-party ethics reporting provider, will accept the reverse charge call and take your report.

Other reporting options

If you believe there has been a breach of Cisco’s accounting practices, auditing matters, compliance by Cisco or its officers or directors with securities laws or fiduciary legal requirements, or are aware of any other issue you believe should be brought to the attention of the audit committee, please contact them using one of the following options:

  • Dev Stahlkopf, Chief Legal Officer: [email protected]
  • Audit Committee of the Board of Directors: [email protected]
  • Cisco Audit Committee: 105 Serra Way, PMB#112, Milpitas, California, 95035

Employees who have concerns specific to privacy or human rights can contact [email protected] or [email protected], respectively.