
Cisco Elastic Services Controller (ESC) is a Virtual Network Functions Manager (VNFM), which performs lifecycle management of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs).

The Cisco Elastic Services Controller (ESC) promotes agility, flexibility, and programmability in Network Function Virtualization (NFV) environments, and offers comprehensive automated lifecycle management capabilities. By design, Cisco ESC is built as an open and a modular system. It provides a single point of control to manage all aspects of VNF lifecycle for generic virtual network functions (VNFs) in a dynamic environment. Drawing on industry standards and open APIs, you can control the full lifecycle of all of your virtualized resources, whether using Cisco or third-party VNFs, allowing you to choose best-of-breed industry solutions.

  • As part of the Cisco Orchestration Suite, ESC is packaged with Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) and Cisco NFV Orchestrator (NFVO) bundle. This is available within Cisco Solutions such as Cisco Managed Services Accelerator (MSX).

  • As a Specialized Virtual Network Function Manager (SVNFM), ESC tightly integrates with the Cisco Mobility VNFs.

  • ESC can also be utilized as a Generic Virtual Network Function Manager (GVNFM) to provide lifecycle management for both Cisco and third-party VNFs.

Supported Virtual Infrastructure Managers (VIM)

ESC supports lifecycle management of VNFs on OpenStack, VMware vCenter, vCloud Director, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and so on. For more details, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide.

New Features and Enhancements in 5.2

This section describes the features added in Cisco Elastic Services Controller Release 5.2.

  • DRBD Encryption for ESC Active/Standby and Active/Active HA Data Replication—ESC now uses DRBD for data replication across different nodes in an HA cluster environment. For more information, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide.

  • Creating readonly User Group for ConfD in ESC—The ConfD in ESC is enhanced with the introduction of a new group named readonly. For more information, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide.

  • OpenStack Train Support—ESC now supports OpenStack Train version.

  • Configuring ESC Identity Management Client—ESC supports configuring the Identity Management Client. For more information, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide.

  • Managing Cluster in ESC Active/Active High Availability

    • ESC supports cluster management in Active/Active HA. For more information, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide.

    • ESC supports cluster-level health monitoring for Active/Active HA. For more information, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Administration Guide.

  • Port Binding Profile—ETSI NFV MANO enables specifying the port binding profile through the VNFD. For more information, see Understanding the Virtual Network Function Descriptors section in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller ETSI NFV MANO User Guide.

  • Selecting Attributes for VNF Query—ETSI NFV MANO supports selecting the attributes for a VNF Query. For more information, see Querying Virtual Network Functions section in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller ETSI NFV MANO User Guide.

  • Updating an Existing Deployment—ETSI NFV MANO now supports updating an existing deployment. For more information, see Healing Virtual Network Functions section in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller ETSI NFV MANO User Guide.

  • VM Monitoring Operations—ETSI NFV MANO supports VM monitoring operations and notifications for a deployed service. For more information, see Monitoring Virtual Network Functions section in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller ETSI NFV MANO User Guide.

  • Health Monitor Port—The health monitor REST API port is changed from 60000 to 8060. For more information, see the Cisco Elastic Services Controller Administration Guide.

  • Browser Support—We recommend Google Chrome Browser to launch ESC 5.2 and later versions.

Cisco Elastic Services Controller Bugs

For a complete list of open and resolved bugs for this release, use the Cisco Bug Search tool.

Open Bugs

The table below lists the open issues in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller 5.2 release.

Table 1. Open Bugs in Cisco Elastic Services Controller 5.2

Bug ID


CSCvu31667 After service update failure, subsequent service update puts VMs in ERROR and Service in ACTIVE
CSCvu21031 GrantReq does not contain resource for LINKPORT when linkPortId & cpProtocolData defined in payload


Custom LCS script can fail (Text file busy)


ESC Portal can crash and become inaccessible


Multiple Vulnerabilities in glibc

Resolved Bugs

The table below lists the resolved issues in the Cisco Elastic Services Controller 5.2 release.

Table 2. Resolved Bugs in Cisco Elastic Services Controller 5.2

Bug ID


CSCvt99529 ESC does not persist OOB ports of type direct (reports the port as virtual versus direct)
CSCvt95076 Anycast IP not advertised/reachable after a Geo Redundant failover
CSCvt87557 ESC AA: Image update performed on VNF owner by follower node does not reflect in OpData
CSCvt81645 ESC must support case insensitive Openstack OOB volume type names


ESC vimmanager overridden properties not persisted (/tmp/


Invalid service deploy/update not trapped when REST depXML utilizes element prefix syntax


Encrypted attributes not supported in LCS update stage scripts


Maintenance operations performed on AA via escadm should prescribe ESC stop/start versus restart


ESC AA: Deployment custom script download from leader fails when https employed


Following an upgrade, ETSI does not start


ESC applies default interface netmask and gateway settings when missing in depXML (CSP VIM type)


VM_UPDATED failure or success notification should come before VM_SOFTWARE_VERSION_UPDATED


Brownfield: Unable to on-board new VNF configuration using remote Netconf interface


Deployment stuck in INERT state after loss of VIM connection; downstream recovery fails


ESC fails to detect IPv6 VNF network gateway down when gateway is a link-local address


AA: ESC service can fail to go operational after performing escadm stop then start


Geo AA: ESC leader escmanager can become stuck in "running but not ready yet state" after switchover


OS Neutron/Nova operations can fail across authentication token refresh


Two service operations in a row cause the recover workflow to lock-up


Multiple Vulnerabilities in jackson-databind


Multiple Vulnerabilities in glibc


dom4j before 2.1.3 allows external DTDs and External Entities by def ...


Multiple Vulnerabilities in rsyslog


Multiple Vulnerabilities in jackson-databind CVE-2020-8840


c3p0 allows XXE in extractXmlConfigFromInputStream in com/mc ...


c3p0 version < may be exploited by a billion laughs attack w ...


** DISPUTED ** in OkHttp 3.x through 3.12.0 a ...


Square Retrofit version versions from (including) 2.0 and 2.5.0 (exc ...

CSCvt90085 Logback before 1.2.0, up to (including) 1.1.10, has a serialization vulnerability affect ...


Multiple Vulnerabilities in commons collections CVE-2017-15708, CVE-2015-6420


The AvahiDnsPacket function in avahi-core/socket.c in avahi-daemon i ...


The default cloud-init configuration, in cloud-init 0.6.2 and newer, ...

Cisco Bug Search Tool

Bug Search Tool (BST), the online successor to Bug Toolkit, is designed to improve our customers' effectiveness in network risk management and device troubleshooting.

BST allows partners and customers to search for software bugs based on product, release, and keyword, and aggregates key data such as bug details, product, and version. The service has provision to filter bugs based on credentials to provide external and internal bug views for the search input.

To use the BST to search for a specific bug or to search for all bugs in a release:


Step 1

Go to

Step 2

At the Log In screen, enter your registered username and password; then, click Log In. The Bug Search page opens.


If you do not have a username and password, you can register for them at

Step 3

To search for a specific bug, enter the bug ID in the Search For field and press Return.

Step 4

To search for bugs in the current release:

  1. In the Search For field, enter a keyword and press Return. (Leave the other fields empty).

  2. When the search results are displayed, use the filter tools to find the types of bugs you are looking for. You can search for bugs by modified date, status, severity, and so forth.

    To export the results to a spreadsheet, click the Export All to Spreadsheet link.

See Bug Search Tools & Resources on For more details on the tool overview and functionalities, check out the help page, located at

Related Documentation

The following documents are available for Cisco Elastic Services Controller:

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller User Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller Install and Upgrade Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller ETSI NFV MANO Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller Administration Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller NETCONF API Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller REST API Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller ETSI API Guide

  • Cisco Elastic Services Controller Deployment Attributes

You can access the documents at: