Network Convergence System 540 Series Routers

Software Features Enhanced and Introduced

To learn about features introduced in other Cisco IOS XR releases, select the release from the Documentation Landing Page.

The following features are supported on all the NCS 540 router variants.

Feature Description


Smart Licensing Using Policy

Cisco Smart Licensing Using Policy (SLP) is an enhancement to the existing Cisco Smart Licensing model. It streamlines the licensing process for Cisco IOS XR products by introducing a more flexible and automated approach. With SLP, you no longer need to register your device during installation, and there is no evaluation license state or period. This simplifies the licensing process and reduces complexity. To use SLP, your devices must establish trust and send the initial license usage report within 90 days.

Starting with this release, cslu is the default communication transport mode.

The feature introduces these changes:

YANG Data Models:


Set Global RSVP Message Retransmission Interval

During Fast Reroute (FRR), an RSVP router sends multiple messages to neighbors. If a neighbor fails to acknowledge the messages due to an overload of RSVP message processing or a high frequency of failures, RSVP retransmits the messages, which can result in network congestion. You can now set a longer RSVP message retransmission interval to provide sufficient processing time for neighbors, reduce signaling overhead, and prevent network congestion.

You can set this interval for all directly connected neighbors at once or remote neighbors connected through backup tunnels. Previously, you could only enable this option per interface.

The feature introduces these changes:

CLI: signalling refresh reduction reliable retransmit-time

YANG Data Model: Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-rsvp-cfg.yang (see GitHub, YANG Data Models Navigator)

Interface and Hardware Component

XR Interface Operational State in Linux Kernel

You can now use the ifconfig command to determine the operational status of the XR interface in the Linux kernel when its line protocol is UP. The IFF-RUNNING (RUNNING) flag in ifconfig command indicates that the interface is ready for data transmission and reception.

Earlier, you could see the XR interface status as UP or Down using the show interfaces command.

Increased Interface Bandwidth on N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS

The supported bandwidth on the Cisco N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS router has been increased from 1Tbps to 1.1Tbps. You can manually set the speed of an interface using the controller optics command.

The usage of the breakout interfaces can be better optimized with the 1.1Tbps bandwidth by enabling port combinations from these available 1/10/25/40/100/400GE interfaces on the router.

IP Addresses and Services

View NPU Information to Troubleshoot Forwarding Issues

You can now easily access NPU informa0on such as the TCAM, Large Exact Match (LEM), Longest Prefix Match (LPM), Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) and Encapsula0on DB (EEDB) database informa0on for troubleshoo0ng forwarding issues. Before this release, obtaining NPU informa0on was a 0me-consuming process that required using the forwarding ASIC's diagnos0c shell u0lity with varying commands across forwarding ASICs.

The feature introduces these changes:


This feature modifies the show mpls forwarding labels hardware command. The npu keyword is added to it.

L2VPN and Ethernet Services

EVPN Non-Revertive Designated Forwarder Election

In a preference-based Designated Forwarder (DF) election, non-revertive mode prevents the traffic disruption that occurs during the recovery of a node in a port-active multihoming network.

While recovering from a link failure, an EVPN ethernet-segment (ES) performs DF re-election and re-carves the services among the multihomed nodes, which causes traffic interruption and interface flapping, leading to traffic loss. In the non-revertive mode, the EVPN ES does not re-carve the services after the recovery, thus avoiding the traffic disruption.

The feature introduces these changes:


YANG Data Model:

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-evpn-oper.yang

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-l2vpn-cfg.yang

(see GitHub, YANG Data Models Navigator)


Certificate Common-Name For Dial-in Using gRPC Protocol

You can now specify a common-name for the certificate generated by the router while using gRPC dial-in and avoid failure during certificate verification. Earlier, the common-name in the certificate was fixed.

The feature introduces these changes:


YANG Data Model:

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-um-grpc-cfg.yang

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-man-ems-cfg

(see GitHub, YANG Data Models Navigator)

View Inconsistent OpenConfig Configuration

OpenConfig infrastructure now provides an operational data YANG model, Cisco-IOS-XR-yiny-oper, which can be queried to view the inconsistent OpenConfig configuration caused due to activities such as interface breakout operations, installation activities or insertion of a new line card.

See GitHub, YANG Data Models Navigator

gRPC Authentication Modes

This feature lists the four types of authentication mechanisms for Extensible Manageability Services (EMS) to ensure the security and integrity of data exchange are: Metadata with TLS, Metadata without TLS, Metadata with Mutual TLS, and Certificate based.

System Security

MACsec capability for 1GbE Optical SFPs on NCS 540 fixed port routers

We now support MACcsec encryption on select 1 GbE optical SFP transceivers by encrypting Ethernet frames at the link layer to secure communication for all traffic in Ethernet-based networks.

* This feature is supported on the following hardware::

  • N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS

  • SFP-1G-SX (optical SFP)

  • SFP-1G-LH (optical SFP)

Support for Post-Quantum Security

The Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) is now enhanced to bring post-quantum security. Quantum computers are a threat to existing cryptographic algorithms, and to address this problem, Postquantum Preshared Keys (PPKs) are used. You can generate both manual and dynamic PPKs. This feature introduces the following changes:


  • The ppk manual/dynamic keyword is introduced in the keyring command.

  • The keyring ppk keyword is introduced in the ikev2 profile command.

YANG Data Model:

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-um-ikev2-cfg.yang

See (GitHub, Yang Data Models Navigator)

Supported Platforms:

  • N540X-12Z16G-SYS-D

  • N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A

Multi-Factor Authentication for SSH

You can now deploy robust authentication mechanisms for SSH connections to your routers and reduce security risks due to compromised or weak passwords. We now support multi-factor authentication (MFA)—a secure access management solution that verifies the identity of a user using multiple verification factors—for SSH login on Cisco IOS XR routers. These verification factors include a combination of login credentials such as username and password and a token, a cryptographic device, or a mobile phone with MFA application installed.

No new commands or data models were introduced or modified as part of this feature.

Pre-upload Pinned-Domain Certificate

You can now pre-upload your Pinned-Domain Certificate (PDC) credentials before requesting OVs Ownership Vouchers (OVs) from the MASA server, thus making the voucher request process easier.

Interaction with MASA through gRPC

From this release, you can use the gRPC protocol to interact with MASA APIs in addition to the current HTTP protocols. Through structured serialization of data with gRPC's Protocol Buffers, the communication between services is made more efficient, type-safe, and consistent.

DSCP Marking from TCP Connection Phase for SSH Packets

We now prevent SSH client packet drops in the TCP connection (initial handshake) phase as they travel across transit routers in the network. This is because you can mark the DSCP values for SSH client packets in the TCP connection phase, which overrides the transit routers' policies to filter and drop packets with no DSCP value marked. Using a new command, you can also set the DSCP value from the TCP connection phase for SSH server packets.

The feature introduces these changes:


YANG Data Model:

System Management

Combined Frame Delay and Frame Loss Measurement for Y.1564 Service Activation Test

We have enhanced the ITU-T Y.1564 Service Activation Testing (SAT) capabilities by enabling a comprehensive service quality measurement that includes network responsiveness, congestion, and other issues degrading network performance. This feature also allows a holistic testing of the QoS SLAs, which helps identify potential issues faster and troubleshoot effectively.

This feature introduces the following change:


The measurement combined keyword is added to the ethernet service-activation-test profile command.


Loopback Frames for Y.1564 Service Activation Test

This feature enables the redirection of test traffic from the destination router to the source router in loopback message (LBM) format. Loopback message enables the measurement of various parameters and performance metrics, such as frame delay, frame loss rates, and QoS settings, after the traffic has completed its round trip.

Such comprehensive measurement helps identify issues within the network setup. You can also use it to ensure the service is running and meets the SLA.

This feature introduces the following change:


The packet-format lbm keyword is added to the ethernet service-activation-test profile command.

YANG DATA Model: New XPaths for Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-sat-cfg.yang (see Github, YANG Data Models Navigator)

Optional Source MAC Address for Y.1564 Service Activation Test

By specifying the source MAC address to the ITU-T Y.1564 SAT, you can ensure that the test results are relevant and applicable to the specific service configuration for use in production and before deployment for your customers.

This feature introduces the following change:

Modified CLI:

The source keyword is added to the ethernet service-activation-test command.


Segment Routing

SR-MPLSv6 Traffic Engineering

We have introduced the capability for SR Policy to support segment lists with IPv6 addresses, which can be either dynamically computed or explicitly set at the SRTE headend.

Identical Route Distinguisher (RD) for Interworking Gateways between MPLS and SRv6 Domains

You can now configure the same Route Distinguisher (RD) for interworking gateways catering to both MPLS and SRv6 domains that help conserve hardware resources, reduce the BGP table scale and minimize the processing load on routers. At the same time, it ensures seamless connectivity across SRv6 and MPLS L3 EVPN domains, thus promoting interoperability and efficiency in modern network environments.

Previously, a unique RD was required to extend L3 services between MPLS and SRv6 domains resulting in higher router load and resource consumption, which could have affected performance.

Reporting of SR-TE Policies Using BGP-Link State for SRv6

You can gather the Traffic Engineering Policy information that is locally available in a node and advertise it in BGP-LS for SRv6. Previous versions only supported SR-MPLS.

There are no changes to the configuration procedures from previous releases and works on the same configuration as the SR-MPLS feature.

Calculate candidate paths and SR-TE policies with IP exclusion, while enforcing affinity and disjointness constraints

For new services using Pseudo-wire (PW) over SR-TE policies, you can now calculate, customize, and preview candidate paths. With this feature, you can now exclude network resources by IP address, and enforce affinity for a specific candidate path.

Previously, affinity constraints and candidate path disjointness were mutually exclusive.

The feature introduces these changes:


  • The feature introduces shortest-path and exclude-resources keywords in the segment-routing traffic-eng policy and segment-routing traffic-eng on-demand color commands.

YANG Data Models:

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-oper.yang

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-oper.yang

  • Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-cfg.yang

Network Synchronization

PTP-NTP Interworking

We have improved NTP synchronization and reliability to achieve nanosecond-level accuracy for applications that require high-precision timing. This is achieved by enabling NTP-PTP interworking which allows the use of PTP as the reference clock.

As in previous releases, the NTP client continues to support polling NTP protocol-based external time servers to synchronize the local system clock and achieve accuracy within the millisecond range.

YANG Data Models Introduced and Enhanced

This release introduces or enhances the following data models. For detailed information about the supported and unsupported sensor paths of all the data models, see the Github repository. To get a comprehensive list of the data models supported in a release, navigate to the file for the release in the Github repository. The unsupported sensor paths are documented as deviations. For example, openconfig-acl.yangprovides details about the supported sensor paths, whereas cisco-xr-openconfig-acl-deviations.yang provides the unsupported sensor paths for openconfig-acl.yang on Cisco IOS XR routers.

You can also view the data model definitions using the YANG Data Models Navigator tool. This GUI-based and easy-to-use tool helps you explore the nuances of the data model and view the dependencies between various containers in the model. You can view the list of models supported across Cisco IOS XR releases and platforms, locate a specific model, view the containers and their respective lists, leaves, and leaf lists presented visually in a tree structure.

To get started with using data models, see the Programmability Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 540 Series Routers.

Feature Description


openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang Version 3.1.0

This OpenConfig data model introduces the following changes:

  • Enable and authenticate LDP signalling messages using enable and authentication-key leaves globally for all interfaces or for LDP neighbors.

  • Configure the global and neighbor label switch identifier for the router using lsr-id leaf

  • Define the time for which a neighbor adjacency will be kept by the router while it waits for a new "hello" message using hello-holdtime leaf

  • Define the interval for sending these "hello" messages on each link LDP adjacency using hello-interval leaf

  • Enable and configure the address family name for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces using enabled and afi-name leaves

  • Configure the list of LDP configurations for each interface using interface-id leaf where the interface referenced is based on the interface and subinterface leaves within the interface-ref container

  • Define the list of LDP neighbors and their attributes using label-space-id leaf

  • Configure the list for attributes related to address families for targeted LDP using afi-name leaf

  • Specify the neighbor address of the targeted LDP session using remote-address leaf

  • Enable or disable the acceptance of targeted LDP "hello" messages using hello-accept leaf

  • Enable and configure the interval for which the remote LDP peers wait for the local node to reconnect gracefully after a failure using enable and reconnect-time leaves

  • Configure the time interval to gracefully restart a Label Switch Router's (LSR) forwarding when in recovery mode using forwarding-holdtime leaf


This unified data model is enhanced to support post-quantum security enablement on IKEv2 encryption. The following data model changes will apply to the IKEv2 configuration on the initiator and responder of the IPsec tunnel:

  • New container ppk to configure post-quantum security, either manually or dynamically.

  • New leaf keyring ppk in the ikev2profile container to include the post-quantum preshared keys for IKEv2 negotiations.


This YANG model is modified to enable non-revertive mode on preference based EVPN DF election.


This native data model is enhanced with a new container, excluded-resources to display associated resource lists for policies.


This native data model is enhanced with a new container, constraints-information, to exclude IP constraints for candidate paths and includes the shortest-path flag in the disjoint constraints.


This native data model is enhanced with a new container, resources, and a new leaf, exclude-resource-rule in the resources-rule-table container to configure and associate resource lists as constraints to policies. Additionally, new leaves such as shortest-path and fallback-disable are added in the disjoint-path container to extend the disjoint constraint configuration.

Hardware Introduced


Before you install the Cisco router, you must prepare your site for the installation, for more details on site planning and environmental requirements, see Hardware Installation Guide.




This release supports configuration and management of the Cisco PON 10G OLT SFP+ transceiver on the following Cisco NCS 540 Series Routers:

  • N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS

  • N540-ACC-SYS

  • N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A/D

  • N540-28Z4C-SYS-A/D

  • N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS

The transceiver module plugs into the 10G port on the router. The combination of the tranceiver, PON Manager, PON Controller, and the MongoDB creates a network management solution for monitoring and managing OLTs and ONU devices in the network. With the help of the transceiver, the router functions as an OLT, this removes the requirement of a separate OLT Chassis.

For more information, refer to Release Notes for Cisco Routed PON, Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1.

Behavior Changes

  • From this release, the default order of authentication methods for SSH clients on Cisco IOS XR routers running Cisco IOS XR SSH is changed to: public-key, keyboard-interactive, and password.

    Prior to this release, the default order was: public-key, password, and keyboard-interactive.

  • Cisco Secure DDoS Edge Protection is supported from Cisco IOS XR Release 7.10.1 on Cisco NCS 540 series routers. But the smart licensing usage and utilization reporting for the edge protection feature remains disabled. Usage details of the edge protection functionality will be enabled only in the future release. Hence, the Smart Account In Use utilization report for edge protection will show as 0 (zero) consumed.

  • Prior to Cisco IOS XR Release 7.2.1, a segment of an explicit segment list can be configured as an IPv4 address (representing a Node or a Link) using the index indexaddress ipv4 address command.

    Starting with Cisco IOS XR Release 7.2.1, an IPv4-based segment (representing a Node or a Link) can also be configured with the new index index mpls adjacencyaddress command. The configuration is stored in NVRAM in the same CLI format used to create it. There is no conversion from the old CLI to the new CLI.

    Starting with Cisco IOS XR Release 7.9.1, the old CLI has been deprecated. Old configurations stored in NVRAM will be rejected at boot-up.

    As a result, explicit segment lists with IPv4-based segments using the old CLI must be re-configured using the new CLI.

    There are no CLI changes for segments configured as MPLS labels using the index index mpls label label command.

  • If you are on a release before Cisco IOS XR Release 7.4.1, you can configure SR-ODN with Flexible Algorithm constraints using the segment-routing traffic-eng on-demand color color dynamic sid-algorithm algorithm-number command.

    Starting with Cisco IOS XR Release 7.4.1, you can also configure SR-ODN with Flexible Algorithm constraints using the new segment-routing traffic-eng on-demand color color constraints segments sid-algorithm algorithm-number command.

    From Cisco IOS XR Release 7.9.1, the segment-routing traffic-eng on-demand color color dynamic sid-algorithm algorithm-number command is deprecated. Previous configurations stored in NVRAM will be rejected at boot-up.

    Hence, for Cisco IOS XR Release 7.9.1, you must reconfigure all SR-ODN configurations with Flexible Algorithm constraints that use the on-demand dynamic sid-algorithm with the on-demand constraints command.

Restrictions and Limitations on the Cisco NCS 540 Series Router

  • Enabling or disabling frame preemption on the Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) port results in traffic drop for N540-FH-CSR-SYS. The port Twenty Five G0/0/12 is used as the TSN port.

  • Fabric multicast queue stats are not supported in N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, N540-6Z14S-SYS-D, N540-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, and N540X-4Z14G2Q-A/D variants.

  • Unlabeled BGP PIC EDGE for global prefixes is not supported.

  • The interface ports 0/0/0/24 to 0/0/0/31 do not support 1G Copper SFPs on N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS, N540-ACC-SYS, and N540X-ACC-SYS variants. Also, these ports do not support Auto-Negotiation with 1GE optical SFPs and they cannot act as 1GE Synchronous Ethernet sources.

  • The interface ports 0/0/0/20 to 0/0/0/27 do not support 1G Copper SFPs on N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A, N540X-16Z8Q2C-D, and N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-D variants. Also, these ports do not support Auto-Negotiation with 1GE optical SFPs and they cannot act as 1GE Synchronous Ethernet sources.

  • The 1G ports on the N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS variant do not support Auto-Negotiation with 1GE optical SFPs.

  • Remove the speed settings on the 1G Copper optics when 10M/100M is configured and replaced with 1G SFP optics.

  • The hw-module profile mfib statistics command is not supported.


Table 1. Cisco IOS XR NCS 540 Routers Specific Bugs

Bug ID



The call-home configurations displayed in the show run call-home command are missing in the show running-config command output.

IOS XR Base Images and Optional Packages

Release 24.1.1 Software

The following tables list the supported base images and optional packages and their corresponding file names.

  • The first table lists the supported software for N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS, N540-ACC-SYS, and N540X-ACC-SYS variants.

  • The second table lists the supported software for N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS, N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A/D, N540-28Z4C-SYS-A/D, N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540-12Z20G-SYS-A/D, N540-FH-CSR-SYS, N540X-16Z8Q2C-D and N540-FH-AGG-SYS variants.

  • The third table lists the supported software for N540X-4Z14G2Q-A/D, N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540-6Z14S-SYS-D, N540-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, and N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A/D variants.

Visit the Cisco Software Download page to download the Cisco IOS XR software images.

Table 2. Release 24.1.1 Software for N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS, N540-ACC-SYS, and N540X-ACC-SYS

Base Image



IOS XR Base Image


IOS XR mandatory base image.

USB Boot Package

Package required to perform USB Boot.

Includes the same packages as the base image.

Optional Packages not included in the base image




IOS XR Manageability


Supports Extensible Markup Language (XML) Parser, Telemetry, Netconf, gRPC and HTTP server




Supports MPLS and MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE)

IOS XR Security


Supports MACsec and 802.1X



Supports ISIS



Supports OSPF

IOS XR Lawful Intercept


Supports Lawful Intercept (LI)

IOS XR Multicast


Supports Multicast



Supports EIGRP



Supports LI-CTRL

Table 3. Release 24.1.1 Software for N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS, N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A/D, N540-28Z4C-SYS-A/D, N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540-12Z20G-SYS-A/D, N540-FH-CSR-SYS, N540X-16Z8Q2C-D and N540-FH-AGG-SYS

Base Image



IOS XR Base Image


IOS XR base image with mandatory packages.

The base ISO image also includes the following optional packages:

  • xr-bgp

  • xr-cdp

  • xr-eigrp

  • xr-ipsla

  • xr-is-is

  • xr-k9sec

  • xr-lictrl

  • xr-lldp

  • xr-mcast

  • xr-mpls-oam

  • xr-netflow

  • xr-ospf

  • xr-perf-meas

  • xr-perfmgmt

  • xr-rip

  • xr-telnet

  • xr-track

These optional packages are also included in NCS540l-iosxr-24.1.1.tar.

USB Boot Package

Package required to perform USB Boot.

Includes the same packages as the base image.

Optional Packages not included in the base image




IOS XR Telnet (xr-telnet)


Supports Telnet

IOS XR EIGRP (xr-eigrp)


Supports EIGRP

IOS XR CDP (xr-cdp)


Supports CDP

IOS XR k9sec (xr-k9sec)


Supports 802.1X

IOS XR RIP (xr-rip)


Supports RIP

Table 4. Release 24.1.1 Software for N540X-4Z14G2Q-A/D, N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540-6Z14S-SYS-D, N540-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, and N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A/D

Base Image



IOS XR Base Image


IOS XR base image with mandatory packages.

The ISO image also includes the following optional packages:

  • xr-bgp

  • xr-cdp

  • xr-eigrp

  • xr-ipsla

  • xr-is-is

  • xr-k9sec

  • xr-lictrl

  • xr-lldp

  • xr-mcast

  • xr-mpls-oam

  • xr-ncs540l-mcast

  • xr-ncs540l-netflow

  • xr-netflow

  • xr-ospf

  • xr-perf-meas

  • xr-perfmgmt

  • xr-rip

  • xr-telnet

  • xr-track

These optional packages are also included in NCS540l aarch64 iosxr optional rpms-24.1.1.tar.

USB Boot Package

Package required to perform USB Boot.

Includes the same packages as the base image.

Optional Packages not included in the base image




IOS XR Telnet (xr-telnet)


Supports Telnet

IOS XR EIGRP (xr-eigrp)


Supports EIGRP

IOS XR CDP (xr-cdp)


Supports CDP

IOS XR k9sec (xr-k9sec)


Supports 802.1X

IOS XR RIP (xr-rip)


Supports RIP

Determine Software Version

Log in to the router and enter the show version command on the N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS, N540-ACC-SYS, and N540X-ACC-SYS variants:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show version
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 24.1.1
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : swtools
 Built On     : Mon Mar 11 20:03:59 PDT 2024
 Built Host   : iox-ucs-047
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/24.1.1/ncs540/ws
 Version      : 24.1.1
 Location     : /opt/cisco/XR/packages/
 Label        : 24.1.1-iso

cisco NCS-540 () processor
System uptime is 21 hours 19 minutes

Log in to the router and enter the show version command on the N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A/D, N540-28Z4C-SYS-A/D, N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A/D, and N540-12Z20G-SYS-A/D variants:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show version
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 24.1.1 LNT
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : swtools
 Built On     : Tue Mar 12 00:13:06 UTC 2024
 Build Host   : iox-ucs-054
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/24.1.1/ncs540l/ws/
 Version      : 24.1.1
 Label        : 24.1.1

cisco NCS540L (C3708 @ 1.70GHz)
cisco N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A (C3708 @ 1.70GHz) processor with 8GB of memory
NCS540L uptime is 21 hours, 11 minutes
Cisco NCS 540 System with 16x10G+4x1GCu+8x25G+2x100G AC Chassis

Log in to the router and enter the show version command on the N540X-4Z14G2Q-A/D, N540-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540-6Z14S-SYS-D, and N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A/D variants:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show version
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 24.1.1 LNT
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : swtools
 Built On     : Tue Mar 12 00:13:06 UTC 2024
 Build Host   : iox-ucs-065
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/24.1.1/ncs540l-aarch64/ws/
 Version      : 24.1.1
 Label        : 24.1.1

cisco NCS540L
cisco N540-6Z14S-SYS-D processor with 8GB of memory
ncs540l-aarch64 uptime is 22 hours, 7 minutes
Cisco NCS 540 Series Fixed Router 10x1G, 4xCu, 6x1/10G, DC

Log in to the router and enter the show version command on the N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS variant:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show version
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 24.1.1 LNT
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : swtools
 Built On     : Tue Mar 12 00:13:06 UTC 2024
 Build Host   : iox-ucs-054
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/24.1.1/ncs540l/ws/
 Version      : 24.1.1
 Label        : 24.1.1

cisco NCS540L (D1519 @ 1.50GHz)
cisco N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS (D1519 @ 1.50GHz) processor with 16GB of memory
ARCHES uptime is 21 hours, 38 minutes
Cisco NCS540 Series, Fixed Router 2x400G, 8x50G, 24x25G Chassis

Log in to the router and enter the show version command on the N540-FH-CSR-SYS variant:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show version
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 24.1.1 LNT
Copyright (c) 2013-2024 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Build Information:
 Built By     : swtools
 Built On     : Tue Mar 12 00:13:06 UTC 2024
 Build Host   : iox-ucs-054
 Workspace    : /auto/srcarchive15/prod/24.1.1/ncs540l/ws/
 Version      : 24.1.1
 Label        : 24.1.1

cisco NCS540L (C3708 @ 1.70GHz)
cisco N540-FH-CSR-SYS (C3708 @ 1.70GHz) processor with 8GB of memory
N540-FH uptime is 20 hours, 56 minutes
Cisco NCS 540 FH with 8xCPRI+4xCPRI/10G+8x10G+6x25G+2x100G

Determine Firmware Support

Use the show command in EXEC mode to view the hardware components with their current FPD version and status. The status of the hardware must be “CURRENT”; Running and Programed version must be the same. The Golden FPDs with “NEED UPGD” can be ignored, the Golden FPDs are not upgradable.

Log in to the router and enter the show fpd package and show hw-module fpd commands on the Cisco N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS, N540X-ACC-SYS, and N540-ACC-SYS variants:


If the Req Reload field is mentioned as Yes in the output, then it indicates the need for a router reboot for the FPD's latest version to take effect.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show fpd package 
=============================== ================================================
                                        Field Programmable Device Package
                                               Req     SW      Min Req   Min Req
Card Type            FPD Description           Reload  Ver     SW Ver  Board Ver
=================== ========================== ====== ======= ======== =========
N540-24Z8Q2C-M       Bootloader(A)              YES     1.17      1.17      0.0  
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     0.10      0.10      0.0  
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.28      0.28      0.0  
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.08      0.08      0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_240G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_480G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-M1100(A)              NO     50.00     50.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MC(A)          NO      3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-A(A)        NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-B(A)        NO      4.00      4.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M5100(A)              NO     75.00     75.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MCT(A)           NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MU(A)            NO      6.00      6.00      0.0  
                     SATA-Micron(A)             NO      1.00      1.00      0.0  
                     SATA-SMART-128G(A)         NO    1427.00   1427.00     0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_0                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_1                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_10                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_11                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_12                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_13                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_14                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_15                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_16                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_17                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_18                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_19                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_2                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_20                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_21                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_22                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_23                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_24                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_25                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_26                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_27                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_28                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_29                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_3                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_30                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_31                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_32                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_33                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_34                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_35                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_36                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_37                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_38                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_39                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_4                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_40                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_41                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_42                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_43                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_44                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_45                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_46                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_47                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_5                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_6                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_7                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_8                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_9                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_0            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_1            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_10           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_11           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_12           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_13           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_14           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_15           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_16           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_17           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_18           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_19           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_2            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_20           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_21           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_22           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_23           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_24           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_25           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_26           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_27           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_28           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_29           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_3            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_30           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_31           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_32           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_33           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_34           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_35           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_36           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_37           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_38           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_39           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_4            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_40           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_41           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_42           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_43           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_44           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_45           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_46           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_47           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_5            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_6            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_7            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_8            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_9            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_0           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_1           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_10          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_11          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_12          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_13          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_14          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_15          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_16          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_17          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_18          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_19          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_2           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_20          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_21          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_22          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_23          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_24          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_25          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_26          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_27          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_28          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_29          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_3           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_30          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_31          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_32          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_33          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_34          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_35          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_36          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_37          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_38          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_39          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_4           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_40          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_41          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_42          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_43          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_44          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_45          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_46          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_47          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_5           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_6           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_7           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_8           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_9           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
N540-ACC-SYS         Bootloader(A)              YES     1.17      1.17      0.0  
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     0.10      0.10      0.0  
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.28      0.28      0.0  
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.08      0.08      0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_240G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_480G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-M1100(A)              NO     50.00     50.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MC(A)          NO      3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-A(A)        NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-B(A)        NO      4.00      4.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M5100(A)              NO     75.00     75.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MCT(A)           NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MU(A)            NO      6.00      6.00      0.0  
                     SATA-Micron(A)             NO      1.00      1.00      0.0  
                     SATA-SMART-128G(A)         NO    1427.00   1427.00     0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_0                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_1                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_10                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_11                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_12                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_13                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_14                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_15                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_16                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_17                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_18                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_19                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_2                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_20                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_21                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_22                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_23                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_24                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_25                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_26                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_27                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_28                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_29                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_3                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_30                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_31                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_32                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_33                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_34                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_35                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_36                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_37                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_38                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_39                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_4                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_40                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_41                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_42                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_43                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_44                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_45                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_46                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_47                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_5                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_6                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_7                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_8                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_9                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_0            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_1            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_10           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_11           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_12           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_13           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_14           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_15           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_16           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_17           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_18           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_19           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_2            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_20           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_21           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_22           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_23           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_24           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_25           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_26           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_27           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_28           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_29           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_3            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_30           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_31           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_32           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_33           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_34           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_35           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_36           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_37           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_38           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_39           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_4            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_40           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_41           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_42           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_43           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_44           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_45           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_46           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_47           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_5            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_6            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_7            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_8            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_9            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_0           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_1           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_10          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_11          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_12          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_13          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_14          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_15          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_16          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_17          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_18          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_19          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_2           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_20          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_21          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_22          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_23          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_24          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_25          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_26          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_27          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_28          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_29          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_3           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_30          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_31          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_32          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_33          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_34          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_35          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_36          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_37          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_38          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_39          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_4           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_40          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_41          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_42          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_43          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_44          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_45          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_46          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_47          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_5           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_6           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_7           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_8           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_9           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
N540-PWR400-A        LIT-PriMCU-ACFW(A)         NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LIT-SecMCU-ACFW(A)         NO      0.07      0.07      0.0  
N540-PWR400-D        LIT-PriMCU-DCFW(A)         NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LIT-SecMCU-DCFW(A)         NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     SDG-PriMCU-DCFW(A)         NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     SDG-SecMCU-DCFW(A)         NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-X-24Z8Q2C-M     Bootloader(A)              YES     1.17      1.17      0.0  
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     0.10      0.10      0.0  
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.28      0.28      0.0  
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.08      0.08      0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_240G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_480G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-M1100(A)              NO     50.00     50.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MC(A)          NO      3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-A(A)        NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-B(A)        NO      4.00      4.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M5100(A)              NO     75.00     75.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MCT(A)           NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MU(A)            NO      6.00      6.00      0.0  
                     SATA-Micron(A)             NO      1.00      1.00      0.0  
                     SATA-SMART-128G(A)         NO    1427.00   1427.00     0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_0                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_1                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_10                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_11                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_12                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_13                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_14                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_15                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_16                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_17                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_18                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_19                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_2                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_20                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_21                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_22                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_23                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_24                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_25                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_26                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_27                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_28                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_29                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_3                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_30                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_31                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_32                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_33                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_34                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_35                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_36                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_37                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_38                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_39                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_4                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_40                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_41                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_42                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_43                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_44                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_45                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_46                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_47                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_5                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_6                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_7                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_8                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_9                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_0            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_1            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_10           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_11           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_12           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_13           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_14           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_15           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_16           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_17           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_18           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_19           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_2            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_20           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_21           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_22           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_23           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_24           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_25           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_26           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_27           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_28           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_29           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_3            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_30           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_31           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_32           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_33           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_34           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_35           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_36           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_37           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_38           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_39           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_4            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_40           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_41           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_42           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_43           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_44           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_45           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_46           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_47           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_5            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_6            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_7            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_8            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_9            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_0           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_1           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_10          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_11          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_12          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_13          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_14          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_15          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_16          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_17          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_18          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_19          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_2           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_20          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_21          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_22          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_23          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_24          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_25          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_26          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_27          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_28          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_29          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_3           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_30          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_31          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_32          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_33          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_34          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_35          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_36          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_37          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_38          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_39          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_4           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_40          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_41          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_42          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_43          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_44          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_45          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_46          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_47          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_5           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_6           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_7           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_8           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_9           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
N540X-ACC-SYS        Bootloader(A)              YES     1.17      1.17      0.0  
                     CPU-IOFPGA(A)              YES     0.10      0.10      0.0  
                     MB-IOFPGA(A)               YES     0.28      0.28      0.0  
                     MB-MIFPGA                  YES     0.08      0.08      0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_240G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-INTEL_480G(A)         NO    1132.00   1132.00     0.0  
                     SATA-M1100(A)              NO     50.00     50.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MC(A)          NO      3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-A(A)        NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M500IT-MU-B(A)        NO      4.00      4.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M5100(A)              NO     75.00     75.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MCT(A)           NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     SATA-M600-MU(A)            NO      6.00      6.00      0.0  
                     SATA-Micron(A)             NO      1.00      1.00      0.0  
                     SATA-SMART-128G(A)         NO    1427.00   1427.00     0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_0                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_1                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_10                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_11                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_12                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_13                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_14                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_15                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_16                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_17                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_18                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_19                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_2                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_20                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_21                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_22                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_23                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_24                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_25                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_26                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_27                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_28                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_29                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_3                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_30                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_31                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_32                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_33                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_34                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_35                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_36                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_37                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_38                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_39                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_4                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_40                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_41                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_42                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_43                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_44                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_45                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_46                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_47                NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_5                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_6                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_7                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_8                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_E1F_9                 NO     13.01     13.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_0            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_1            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_10           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_11           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_12           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_13           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_14           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_15           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_16           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_17           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_18           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_19           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_2            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_20           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_21           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_22           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_23           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_24           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_25           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_26           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_27           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_28           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_29           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_3            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_30           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_31           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_32           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_33           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_34           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_35           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_36           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_37           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_38           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_39           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_4            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_40           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_41           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_42           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_43           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_44           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_45           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_46           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_47           NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_5            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_6            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_7            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_8            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_OC3_STM1_9            NO     12.01     12.01      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_0           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_1           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_10          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_11          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_12          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_13          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_14          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_15          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_16          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_17          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_18          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_19          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_2           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_20          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_21          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_22          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_23          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_24          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_25          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_26          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_27          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_28          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_29          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_3           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_30          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_31          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_32          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_33          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_34          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_35          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_36          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_37          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_38          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_39          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_4           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_40          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_41          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_42          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_43          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_44          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_45          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_46          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_47          NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_5           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_6           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_7           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_8           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
                     SSFP_STM1_TSOP_9           NO     13.00     13.00      0.0  
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show hw-module fpd
                                                                         FPD Versions
Location   Card type             HWver FPD device       ATR Status    Running   Programd  
0/RP0      N540-ACC-SYS          1.0   MB-MIFPGA             CURRENT     0.08      0.08    
0/RP0      N540-ACC-SYS          1.0   Bootloader            CURRENT     1.17      1.17    
0/RP0      N540-ACC-SYS          1.0   CPU-IOFPGA            CURRENT     0.10      0.10    
0/RP0      N540-ACC-SYS          1.0   MB-IOFPGA             CURRENT     0.28      0.28    
0/RP0      N540-ACC-SYS          1.0   SATA-M500IT-MU-B      CURRENT     4.00      4.00    
0/PM0      N540-PWR400-A               LIT-PriMCU-ACFW       NOT READY                     
0/PM0      N540-PWR400-A               LIT-SecMCU-ACFW       NOT READY                     
0/PM1      N540-PWR400-A         1.0   SDG-PriMCU-ACFW       CURRENT     0.00      0.00    
0/PM1      N540-PWR400-A         1.0   SDG-SecMCU-ACFW       CURRENT     0.00      0.00 

Log in to the router and enter the show fpd package and show hw-module fpd commands on the Cisco N540-28Z4C-SYS-A/D, N540-12Z20G-SYS-A/D, N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540X-16Z8Q2C-D, and N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A/D variants:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show fpd package
=============================== ================================================
                                        Field Programmable Device Package
                                               Req     SW      Min Req   Min Req
Card Type            FPD Description           Reload  Ver     SW Ver  Board Ver
=================== ========================== ====== ======= ======== =========
N540-12Z20G-SYS-A    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-12Z20G-SYS-D    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS    ADM-DBConfig               NO      2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     ADM-MBConfig               NO      2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     2.12      2.12      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.12      2.12      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     4.07      4.07      0.0  
                     SsdSAMSA64G3               YES    12.41     12.41      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.59      2.59      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     2.56      2.39      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-28Z4C-SYS-A     ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     JMAC1-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC2-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC3-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC4-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC5-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-28Z4C-SYS-D     ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     JMAC1-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC2-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC3-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC4-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC5-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-FH-AGG-SYS      ADM1_Config                NO      1.02      1.02      1.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      1.02      1.02      1.0  
                     DpFpgaCpri                 YES     0.24      0.24      0.0  
                     DpFpgaEth                  YES     1.22      1.22      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-FH-CSR-SYS      ADM1_Config                NO      0.09      0.09      0.0  
                     ADM1_Config                NO      1.01      1.01      2.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      0.09      0.09      0.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      1.01      1.01      2.0  
                     DpFpga                     YES     0.23      0.23      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-PWR400-A        LI-PrimMCU                 NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LI-SecMCU                  NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     PrimMCU                    NO      1.02      1.02      0.0  
                     SecMCU                     NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR400-D        LI-PrimMCU                 NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LI-SecMCU                  NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     PrimMCU                    NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     SecMCU                     NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR750-A        EM-PrimMCU                 NO      1.02      1.02      0.0  
                     EM-SecMCU                  NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR750-D        EM-PrimMCU                 NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     EM-SecMCU                  NO      3.01      3.01      0.0  
N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A   ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-12Z16G-SYS-D   ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-D    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z8Q2C-A      ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z8Q2C-D      ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show hw-module fpd
Attribute codes: B golden, P protect, S secure, A Anti Theft aware
                                                                         FPD Versions
Location   Card type             HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd  Reload Loc
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   ADM_FW               CURRENT   14.03   14.03       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   ADMConfig            CURRENT    1.05    1.05       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   IoFpga               CURRENT    3.08    3.08         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   IoFpgaGolden     B   NEED UPGD          1.31         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   Primary-BIOS     SA  CURRENT    1.49    1.49         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   StdbyFpga        S   CURRENT    0.50    0.50         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   StdbyFpgaGolden  BS  NEED UPGD          0.00         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   TamFw            S   CURRENT    4.13    4.13         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A     0.3   TamFwGolden      BS  NEED UPGD          0.00         0/RP0

Log in to the router and enter the show fpd package and show hw-module fpd commands on the Cisco N540X-4Z14G2Q-A/D, N540-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, N540-6Z14S-SYS-D, and N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A/D variants:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show fpd package
=============================== ================================================
                                        Field Programmable Device Package
                                               Req     SW      Min Req   Min Req
Card Type            FPD Description           Reload  Ver     SW Ver  Board Ver
=================== ========================== ====== ======= ======== =========
N540-6Z14S-SYS-D     ADMConfig                  NO      5.03      5.03      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-6Z18G-SYS-A     ADMConfig                  NO      5.03      5.03      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.08      0.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.03      0.03      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-6Z18G-SYS-D     ADMConfig                  NO      5.03      5.03      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.08      0.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.03      0.03      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540X-4Z14G2Q-A      ADMConfig                  NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540X-4Z14G2Q-D      ADMConfig                  NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A    ADMConfig                  NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540X-6Z18G-SYS-D    ADMConfig                  NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A    ADMConfig                  NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540X-8Z16G-SYS-D    ADMConfig                  NO      5.00      5.00      0.0  
                     BckUp-BootLoader           YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     0.17      0.17      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     0.15      0.15      0.0  
                     Prim-BootLoader            YES    20.08     20.08      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.33      0.33      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show hw-module fpd
Attribute codes: B golden, P protect, S secure, A Anti Theft aware
                                                                         FPD Versions
Location   Card type             HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd  Reload Loc
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   ADMConfig            CURRENT    5.03    5.03       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   IoFpga               CURRENT    0.17    0.17         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   IoFpgaGolden     B   CURRENT            0.15         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   Prim-BootLoader  A   CURRENT   20.08   20.08         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   StdbyFpga        S   CURRENT    2.05    2.05         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   StdbyFpgaGolden  BS  CURRENT            0.33         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   TamFw            S   CURRENT    6.05    6.05         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-6Z14S-SYS-D      0.2   TamFwGolden      BS  CURRENT            6.05         0/RP0

Log in to the router and enter the show fpd package and show hw-module fpd commands on the Cisco N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS variant:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show fpd package
=============================== ================================================
                                        Field Programmable Device Package
                                               Req     SW      Min Req   Min Req
Card Type            FPD Description           Reload  Ver     SW Ver  Board Ver
=================== ========================== ====== ======= ======== =========
N540-12Z20G-SYS-A    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-12Z20G-SYS-D    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS    ADM-DBConfig               NO      2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     ADM-MBConfig               NO      2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     2.12      2.12      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.12      2.12      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     4.07      4.07      0.0  
                     SsdSAMSA64G3               YES    12.41     12.41      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.59      2.59      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     2.56      2.39      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-28Z4C-SYS-A     ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     JMAC1-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC2-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC3-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC4-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC5-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-28Z4C-SYS-D     ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     JMAC1-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC2-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC3-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC4-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC5-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-FH-AGG-SYS      ADM1_Config                NO      1.02      1.02      1.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      1.02      1.02      1.0  
                     DpFpgaCpri                 YES     0.24      0.24      0.0  
                     DpFpgaEth                  YES     1.22      1.22      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-FH-CSR-SYS      ADM1_Config                NO      0.09      0.09      0.0  
                     ADM1_Config                NO      1.01      1.01      2.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      0.09      0.09      0.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      1.01      1.01      2.0  
                     DpFpga                     YES     0.23      0.23      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-PWR400-A        LI-PrimMCU                 NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LI-SecMCU                  NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     PrimMCU                    NO      1.02      1.02      0.0  
                     SecMCU                     NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR400-D        LI-PrimMCU                 NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LI-SecMCU                  NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     PrimMCU                    NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     SecMCU                     NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR750-A        EM-PrimMCU                 NO      1.02      1.02      0.0  
                     EM-SecMCU                  NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR750-D        EM-PrimMCU                 NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     EM-SecMCU                  NO      3.01      3.01      0.0  
N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A   ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-12Z16G-SYS-D   ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-D    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z8Q2C-A      ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z8Q2C-D      ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show hw-module fpd
Attribute codes: B golden, P protect, S secure, A Anti Theft aware
                                                                         FPD Versions
Location   Card type             HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd  Reload Loc
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   ADM-DBConfig         CURRENT    2.05    2.05       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   ADM-MBConfig         CURRENT    2.05    2.05       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   IoFpga               CURRENT    2.12    2.12         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   IoFpgaGolden     B   CURRENT            2.12         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   Primary-BIOS     S   NOT READY  1.05    1.05           N/A
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   StdbyFpga        S   CURRENT    2.59    2.59         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   StdbyFpgaGolden  BS  NEED UPGD          2.24         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   TamFw            S   CURRENT    6.05    6.05         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS     3.0   TamFwGolden      BS  NEED UPGD          0.00         0/RP0
0/PM1      N540-PWR400-A         1.0   PrimMCU              CURRENT    1.02    1.02       NOT REQ
0/PM1      N540-PWR400-A         1.0   SecMCU               CURRENT    1.03    1.03       NOT REQ

Log in to the router and enter the show fpd package and show hw-module fpd commands on the Cisco N540-FH-CSR-SYS variant:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show fpd package
=============================== ================================================
                                        Field Programmable Device Package
                                               Req     SW      Min Req   Min Req
Card Type            FPD Description           Reload  Ver     SW Ver  Board Ver
=================== ========================== ====== ======= ======== =========
N540-12Z20G-SYS-A    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-12Z20G-SYS-D    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS    ADM-DBConfig               NO      2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     ADM-MBConfig               NO      2.05      2.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     2.12      2.12      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.12      2.12      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     4.07      4.07      0.0  
                     SsdSAMSA64G3               YES    12.41     12.41      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     2.59      2.59      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     2.56      2.39      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-28Z4C-SYS-A     ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     JMAC1-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC2-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC3-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC4-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC5-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-28Z4C-SYS-D     ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     JMAC1-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC2-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC3-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC4-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     JMAC5-Config               YES     3.00      3.00      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540-FH-AGG-SYS      ADM1_Config                NO      1.02      1.02      1.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      1.02      1.02      1.0  
                     DpFpgaCpri                 YES     0.24      0.24      0.0  
                     DpFpgaEth                  YES     1.22      1.22      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-FH-CSR-SYS      ADM1_Config                NO      0.09      0.09      0.0  
                     ADM1_Config                NO      1.01      1.01      2.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      0.09      0.09      0.0  
                     ADM2_Config                NO      1.01      1.01      2.0  
                     DpFpga                     YES     0.23      0.23      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     1.30      1.30      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.46      0.46      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     6.05      6.05      0.0  
N540-PWR400-A        LI-PrimMCU                 NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LI-SecMCU                  NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     PrimMCU                    NO      1.02      1.02      0.0  
                     SecMCU                     NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR400-D        LI-PrimMCU                 NO      0.04      0.04      0.0  
                     LI-SecMCU                  NO      0.06      0.06      0.0  
                     PrimMCU                    NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     SecMCU                     NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR750-A        EM-PrimMCU                 NO      1.02      1.02      0.0  
                     EM-SecMCU                  NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
N540-PWR750-D        EM-PrimMCU                 NO      1.03      1.03      0.0  
                     EM-SecMCU                  NO      3.01      3.01      0.0  
N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A   ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-12Z16G-SYS-D   ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-D    ADM_FW                     YES    14.03     14.03      0.0  
                     ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z8Q2C-A      ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0  
N540X-16Z8Q2C-D      ADMConfig                  NO      1.05      1.05      0.0  
                     IoFpga                     YES     3.08      3.08      0.0  
                     IoFpgaGolden               YES     2.07      2.03      0.0  
                     Primary-BIOS               YES     1.49      1.49      0.0  
                     StdbyFpga                  YES     0.50      0.50      0.0  
                     StdbyFpgaGolden            YES     0.50      0.40      0.0  
                     TamFw                      YES     4.13      4.13      0.0  
                     TamFwGolden                YES     4.13      4.11      0.0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Router#show hw-module fpd
Attribute codes: B golden, P protect, S secure, A Anti Theft aware
                                                                         FPD Versions
Location   Card type             HWver FPD device       ATR Status   Running Programd  Reload Loc
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   ADM1_Config          CURRENT    0.09    0.09       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   ADM2_Config          CURRENT    0.09    0.09       NOT REQ
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   DpFpga               CURRENT    0.23    0.23         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   IoFpga               CURRENT    1.30    1.30         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   IoFpgaGolden     B   NEED UPGD          1.23         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   Primary-BIOS     SA  CURRENT    1.49    1.49         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   StdbyFpga        S   CURRENT    0.46    0.46         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   StdbyFpgaGolden  BS  NEED UPGD          0.43         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   TamFw            S   CURRENT    6.05    6.05         0/RP0
0/RP0/CPU0 N540-FH-CSR-SYS       1.0   TamFwGolden      BS  CURRENT            6.05         0/RP0
0/PM0      N540-PWR400-A         1.0   PrimMCU              CURRENT    1.02    1.02       NOT REQ
0/PM0      N540-PWR400-A         1.0   SecMCU               CURRENT    1.03    1.03       NOT REQ

Important Notes


Starting with Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1, Smart Licensing Using Policy (SLP) is the default Licensing model. When you upgrade to the Cisco IOS XR Release 24.1.1 release or later, the Smart Licensing Using Policy is enabled by default.

You can migrate your devices to Smart Licensing with Policy model, see Migrating from Smart Licensing to Smart Licensing Using Policy, Smart Licensing Using Policy on Cisco IOS XR Routers.

We recommend that you update to the latest version of SSM On-Prem or Cisco Smart Licensing Utility.


SSM On-Prem and CSSM both support SLP devices and SL devices. SLP devices and SL devices can coexist in a network. The Smart Licensing (SL) model is available in releases Cisco IOS XR Release 7.11.1 and earlier.

Upgrading Cisco IOS XR Software


For software installation and upgrades, refer to the respective upgrade/downgrade docs .tar files based on your 540 router varaint.

Cisco IOS XR Software is installed and activated from modular packages, allowing specific features or software patches to be installed, upgraded, or downgraded without affecting unrelated processes.

The upgrade document for N540-24Z8Q2C-SYS, N540X-ACC-SYS, and N540-ACC-SYS variants is available along with the software image in NCS540-docs-24.1.1.tar file.

The upgrade document for N540-28Z4C-SYS-A/D, N540-12Z20G-SYS-A/D, N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A/D, N540-24Q8L2DD-SYS, N540-FH-AGG-SYS, N540X-16Z8Q2C-D, and N540-FH-CSR-SYS variants is available along with the software image in NCS540l-docs-24.1.1.tar file.

The upgrade document for N540X-4Z14G2Q-A/D, N540X-8Z16G-SYS-A/D, N540-6Z14S-SYS-D, N540-6Z18G-SYS-A/D, and N540X-6Z18G-SYS-A/D variants is available along with the software image in NCS540l-aarch64-docs-24.1.1.tar file.


Quad configurations will be lost when you perform a software downgrade on Cisco NCS 540 Routers that support quad configurations from IOS XR Release 7.5.1 onwards to a release prior to IOS XR Release 7.5.1 due to a non-backward compatibility change. The lost configuration can be applied manually after the downgrade.

Production Software Maintenance Updates (SMUs)

A production SMU is a SMU that is formally requested, developed, tested, and released. Production SMUs are intended for use in a live network environment and are formally supported by the Cisco TAC and the relevant development teams. Software bugs identified through software recommendations or Bug Search Tools are not a basis for production SMU requests.

For information on production SMU types, refer the Production SMU Types section of the IOS XR Software Maintenance Updates (SMUs) guide.

Cisco IOS XR Error messages

To view, search, compare, and download Cisco IOS XR Error Messages, refer to the Cisco IOS XR Error messages tool.


To determine the MIBs supported by platform and release, refer to the Cisco IOS XR MIBs tool.