Cisco Telemetry Architecture Guide

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Updated:September 28, 2022

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Updated:September 28, 2022



The digitization of our businesses has produced an explosion of telemetry data that we can harness to drive better business decisions in the future. According to the IETF, network telemetry is a technology for gaining network insight and facilitating efficient and automated network management. It encompasses various techniques for remote data generation, collection, correlation, and consumption. Any information that can be extracted from networks and used to gain visibility or as a basis for actions is considered telemetry data. It includes statistics, event records and logs, snapshots of state, configuration data, etc. In addition to network-based telemetry, we can obtain telemetry from other sources such as applications. Telemetry can come in many forms such as:

     NetFlow, IPFIX, NETCONF, syslog, and SNMP data sourced from routers, switches, and firewalls

     Performance records, uptime records, and usage data from servers and applications

     Logs from public cloud providers like AWS and Azure

Using telemetry, we can achieve goals such as gaining visibility into network to lower troubleshooting time, tracking server utilization to plan for future growth, or understanding how customers and employees are using applications so that we can efficiently improve them with targeted upgrades. Visibility also has strong implications for network security. With this increased visibility, we can proactively find threats by understanding what is on the network, know and understand every connection to establish a baseline of normal behavior, continuously validate trust based on behavior, and do analysis during and after a security event.

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Security Benefits of Visibility

As networks have scaled, it has become an increasingly difficult task to gain better visibility through monitoring and analyzing this data by ourselves. Analytical platforms are being introduced on regular basis to take advantage of this data and simplify this task, however limitations within the network infrastructure due to the lack of a sufficient telemetry architecture can cause headaches for professionals when it comes to collecting telemetry, making that data available to all telemetry destinations regardless of the product or the department it comes from, and managing it in a simple and scalable fashion.

Qualities of a Modern Telemetry Architecture

To address these shortcomings within increasingly complex networks, a better architecture is required. The core components of a modern telemetry architecture are the telemetry sources, telemetry destinations, and Telemetry Brokers. Telemetry Brokers act as mediums for telemetry data to be routed through, like how routers and switches handle IP traffic. In the enterprise network where, multiple monitored networks are common (such as a main campus, branch, and data center), brokers can be deployed for each network segment. Management and visibility into telemetry data is facilitated through a Telemetry Broker Manager. Through this architecture, several advantages are realized.


Administrators use multiple tools to get their jobs done and the need for these tools is growing. From cloud to on-prem, big vendors to homegrown, these tools compete for precious access to a limited number of telemetry data feeds. Many of these tools and devices can only send telemetry data to a single destination, effectively restricting the number of telemetry destinations that can collect and process that data.

Telemetry Source Data Export Limitation 

Figure 2.               

Telemetry Source Data Export Limitation

This can have multiple implications including:

     Reduced scalability and visibility due to exporting telemetry sources being unable to send telemetry data to all the telemetry destinations that need it

     Silos between departments (For example Network and Security departments) who are not easily able to share telemetry with each other

This can also lead to most, if not all telemetry data being sent to a single telemetry destination. That primary telemetry destination then holds exclusivity to the telemetry streams and the other telemetry destinations must depend on it to get telemetry data using which ever methods are supported, if telemetry sharing is a feature supported at all.

Additionally, for telemetry sources that support exporting data to multiple destinations, choosing to do so can still be a subpar decision. Replicating telemetry data at the source reduces bandwidth on all network links between the telemetry source and destination due to each telemetry stream being multiplied by the amount of telemetry destinations that traffic is routed to. Additionally, platforms may require compute resources to send multiple streams of telemetry data, reducing the performance of other tasks.

Finally, if a telemetry source only supports exporting proprietary or legacy telemetry data, it limits the number of telemetry destinations that can ingest that data.

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Figure 3.               

Issues consuming proprietary telemetry data

Telemetry sources such as firewalls and IoT devices can instead be configured to send telemetry traffic to a single destination – a Telemetry Broker. From there, the Telemetry Broker replicates and routes telemetry to all telemetry destinations that can use that data. Access to telemetry data is no longer limited to how many destinations the telemetry source can export to, removing limitations that would hinder scalability and visibility within a network.

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Figure 4.               

Telemetry Broker Data Replication

Because the Telemetry Broker is replicating telemetry data instead of the telemetry source or destination, there is more control over which network links will be used to forward replicated traffic. The advantage of this is being able to control where within the network telemetry data is replicated. For example, instead of exporting multiple copies of telemetry from a switch at a branch, the traffic can be replicated by a Telemetry Broker in a location closer to the telemetry sources. In addition to this, Telemetry Brokers should have the capability to discard unnecessary telemetry data, further reducing telemetry network traffic as well as reducing unnecessary processing of that data by a telemetry destination which can save licensing costs.

Finally, Telemetry Brokers should be able to transform telemetry data and protocols into formats consumable by telemetry destinations, preventing issues where a legacy or proprietary format is not able to be processed by a telemetry destination. For the most compatibility, the architecture must be extensible to support new telemetry protocols and methods of telemetry monitoring such as Model Driven Telemetry.

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Figure 5.               

Transformation of proprietary telemetry data for use by an analytical platform

By transforming telemetry into formats supported by telemetry destinations, siloes between different products, technologies, or organizations can be removed, reducing gaps in visibility and taking full advantage of features offered by all telemetry destinations.

Centralized Management and Control

Management involves the upkeep of telemetry within an infrastructure. This can include maintenance, updates, adding new telemetry sources/destinations, and policy changes. Centralized management can simplify deployments and reduce the amount of time needed to make changes within the architecture, especially when those changes involve adding new destinations for telemetry data streams.

Each time a telemetry destination is added to the network or the IP or FQDN for a telemetry destination changes, without an intermediary device like a Telemetry Broker the configuration on the telemetry sources must be modified to send telemetry to that new destination. This could be a simple task with a few sources, but as the number of sources increases this task becomes ever more laborious. Current telemetry and data management options can also become expensive as more sources are added to the network, forcing teams to make tough budget choices. Even with a Telemetry Broker between the source and destination, similar issues can arise if management of multiple brokers is not centralized.

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Figure 6.               

Increased Telemetry Management Complexity Due to Network Complexity

Support for a centralized Telemetry Broker Manager allows for the management of each Telemetry Broker no matter where they are, saving time and lowering costs. Furthermore, telemetry networks from new sites or acquisitions can be added without impacting existing Telemetry Broker setups.

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Centralized Telemetry Management

Visibility into the Telemetry Plane

Along with centralized management, there should be visibility into the devices and applications operating within the telemetry architecture. This visibility should include:

     Tracking the amount of telemetry sent from telemetry sources which can be useful for understanding how much bandwidth telemetry data is using and planning

     Tracking the telemetry protocols used within the network

     Tracking if a telemetry source is inactive or a telemetry destination goes down so you can verify reliable operation. With this visibility the appropriate parties can be notified, and the devices brought back online


Minimizing outages is important as well. Continued availability of telemetry data ensures that telemetry destinations have the information needed to provide complete event data and accurate analysis. All devices can fail, and connections can get severed for a variety of reasons. Telemetry Brokers and telemetry destinations should be set up in high availability when supported in case those devices fail for any reason.

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Figure 8.               

Telemetry Brokers in High Availability Cluster


Security is a concern for organizations of all sizes and the collection and transportation of telemetry data can open new attack vectors within a network. Some examples of security concerns according to the IEFT are telemetry data being manipulated to exhaust various network resources at each plane as well as the data consumer and falsified or tampered data misleading the decision-making process and paralyzing networks. Telemetry data is highly sensitive, which exposes a lot of information about the network and its configuration. Some of that information can make designing attacks against the network much easier and allows an attacker to determine whether a device may be subject to unprotected security vulnerabilities.

Often, telemetry data is sent unencrypted due to lack of support from the telemetry source. It may also be exposed on the same network as user traffic, creating the potential for traffic to be viewed by malicious entities.

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Figure 9.               

Telemetry source sending sensitive telemetry data over an encrypted transport such as TLS or IPsec

Telemetry data sent between telemetry sources, Telemetry Brokers, and telemetry destinations should be encrypted and segmented from other network traffic when possible. If the telemetry source does not support encryption, protect the data along the path using TLS, VPN, SD-WAN, or similar technologies, especially when telemetry is sent over untrusted networks such as the Internet. Firewalls can be placed within the path to ensure telemetry traffic is inspected and that unexpected traffic is blocked.

Cisco SAFE Business Flows and Capabilities

The Cisco Telemetry Architecture is defined using the Cisco SAFE methodology. For more information on SAFE please go to

Telemetry Business Flows

SAFE uses the concept of business flows to simplify the analysis and identification of threats, risks, and policy requirements for effective security. This enables the selection of very specific capabilities necessary to secure them. The following example flow is a simplified business flow highlighting the core telemetry capabilities needed to create a scalable telemetry architecture. Information on protecting telemetry business flows can be found in Appendix C.


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Telemetry Business Flow

Telemetry Core Capabilities

Telemetry core capabilities are considered necessary for a scalable telemetry architecture. Telemetry protection capabilities and network security capabilities can be found in Appendix C and D, respectfully.

Capability Icon

Capability Name

Capability Description

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Telemetry Brokering

Often, multiple telemetry destinations require the same telemetry data. Brokering is the replication and routing of telemetry data to multiple destinations, enabling more than one telemetry destination to obtain the same telemetry data even when the telemetry source can only send data to a single destination.

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Telemetry Filtering

Filtering ensures telemetry destinations avoid being bogged down processing bad, duplicate, and unnecessary data.

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Telemetry Transformation

Not all consumers of telemetry support certain telemetry data formats and some telemetry protocols are proprietary or legacy. Telemetry Protocol Transformation converts telemetry from one protocol to another for consumption by a telemetry destination. There is also Telemetry Data Transformation which reviews the telemetry data content and adds or removes fields.


Telemetry Business Flows - Capability Mapping

Not all business flows have the same requirements. Some use cases require certain capabilities while others will not. This process allows for the application of capabilities to address administrative policy requirements.

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Figure 11.           

Telemetry Business Flow with Core Capabilities

Telemetry Reference Architecture

The Cisco Telemetry Reference Architecture represented below includes the architectural components needed to deliver the core telemetry capabilities. Within this architecture, there are three separate example telemetry networks used to highlight the core telemetry capabilities and provide general recommendations for optimal Telemetry Broker placement within the network. Telemetry Broker placement could be different depending on the requirements of your network.

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Figure 12.           

Telemetry Reference Architecture

While a single Telemetry Broker can be used to handle telemetry data, some advantages could be lost:

     Multiple Telemetry Brokers can be deployed to optimize how telemetry data is sent over the network

     Separating telemetry traffic in different locations and visibility/control for those specific locations

     Preventing a single point of failure for telemetry data

Telemetry Network A consists of telemetry sources that have telemetry data needed by multiple telemetry destinations. The Network A Telemetry Broker is set up as close as possible to the telemetry destinations. This prevents replicated telemetry data from being sent over the network infrastructure, reducing network bandwidth use between the telemetry sources and destinations.

Telemetry data from sources within the Telemetry B Network needs to be filtered before being sent to a telemetry destination. The Network B Telemetry Broker is set up as close as possible to the telemetry sources. This placement prevents unnecessary traffic from being sent over the network infrastructure and being processed by the telemetry destination.

Telemetry Network C consists of telemetry sources that use a proprietary telemetry protocol that is unsupported by the telemetry destination. In this set up, it is generally recommended for the Telemetry Broker to be placed closer to the telemetry destination. After the proprietary telemetry protocol is transformed by the Telemetry Broker, it can be consumed by the telemetry destination. If Telemetry Data Transformation (rather than Telemetry Protocol Transformation) is needed instead, it is generally recommended to place the broker closer to the sources.


Appendix A – Telemetry Reference Architecture - Core Capabilities

Considering the design discussed in previous sections of this document, all the capabilities can be mapped to the following Cisco solution.

Capability Icon

Capability Name

Cisco Security Solution

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Telemetry Brokering

Cisco Telemetry Broker

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Telemetry Filtering

Cisco Telemetry Broker

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Telemetry Transformation

Cisco Telemetry Broker


Appendix B – Telemetry Reference Design

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Figure 13.           

Telemetry Reference Design

Appendix C – Securing Telemetry Business Flows

This section covers using SAFE to protect telemetry data transported through the network.

Secure Telemetry Business Flows

SAFE uses the concept of business flows to simplify the analysis and identification of threats, risks, and policy requirements for effective security. This enables the selection of very specific capabilities necessary to secure them.


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Figure 14.           

Telemetry Business Flows


Threat Icon

Threat Name

Threat Description

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Data Exfiltration

Telemetry sources often send telemetry data unencrypted, creating the potential for this data to be stolen or used for reconnaissance. Telemetry data can be used to discover vulnerabilities within network devices as well as making it easier to design an attack against the network.

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Unauthorized Network Access

Leveraging insecure telemetry sources, an attacker can use lateral movement to gain access into other parts of the network.

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Denial of Service (DoS)

Elevated levels of telemetry data due to misconfigurations can lead to an unintentional denial of service for production traffic. Compromised telemetry sources can also be exploited to orchestrate DoS attacks against devices and services.


Telemetry Protection Capabilities

Telemetry protection capabilities secure telemetry data as it is routed from telemetry sources to Telemetry Brokers and telemetry destinations.


Capability Icon

Capability Name

Capability Description

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Macro segmentation is the process of separating a network topology into smaller sub-networks, often known as zones. A firewall is typically the enforcement point between zones in a network allowing only expected telemetry protocols

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Intrusion Prevention

An intrusion prevention system (IPS) provides network visibility, security intelligence, automation, and advanced threat protection.

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Threat Intelligence

Knowledge of emerging threats from active adversaries is shared with solutions that will utilize the information to protect the organization.


Secure Transport

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Capability Name

Capability Description

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Enables telemetry sources to securely access telemetry destinations that reside in remote locations by forming an encrypted tunnel. For remote clients, this may utilize a remote access VPN while a branch or campus might utilize a site-to-site VPN.

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Software Defined WAN

Provides a replacement for traditional WAN routers and is agnostic to WAN transport technologies. SD-WAN provides dynamic, policy-based, application path selection across multiple WAN connections and supports service chaining for additional services such as WAN optimization and firewalls. Telemetry data sent between telemetry sources and remote telemetry destinations is securely sent.



Capability Icon

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Capability Description

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Segmentation using TrustSec Security Group Tag (SGT) or VLANs. Segmentation improves security by limiting how far an attack can spread, which is important when adding insecure telemetry sources such as IoT devices to the network. In addition to Tagging, QoS policies should be enabled to prevent telemetry data from causing a DoS attack against production traffic.


Time Synchronization

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Capability Name

Capability Description

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Time Synchronization

Time synchronization within a company is a fundamental necessity for accurate log/event correlation.


Secure Telemetry Business Flows with Mapped Capabilities

Not all business flows have the same requirements. Some use cases are subject to a smaller attack vector and therefore require less security to be applied. Some have larger and multiple vectors thus, require more. Evaluating the business flow by analyzing the attack surfaces provides the information needed to determine and apply the correct capabilities for flow specific and effective security. This process also allows for the application of capabilities to address risk and administrative policy requirements.

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Figure 15.           

Secure Telemetry Business Flows with Protection Capabilities

Secure Telemetry Reference Architecture

The Secure Telemetry Architecture represented below includes the architectural components needed to deliver the protection capabilities for telemetry data.

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Figure 16.           

Secure Telemetry Reference Architecture

Secure Telemetry Reference Architecture - Protection Capabilities

Considering the design discussed in previous sections of this document, all the telemetry protection capabilities can be mapped to the following Cisco Solutions.

Capability Icon

Capability Name

Cisco Security Solution

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Cisco Secure Firewall (ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance))

Cisco Secure Firewall (FTD (Firepower Threat Defense))

Cisco Meraki MX

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Intrusion Prevention

Cisco Secure Firewall

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Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect)

Cisco Secure Firewall (ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance))

Cisco Secure Firewall (FTD (Firepower Threat Defense))

Cisco Meraki MX

Cisco Secure Connect

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Cisco Meraki

Cisco Viptela

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Cisco Nexus/Catalyst Switch VLANs

 Identity Services Engine SGTs (Security Group Tags)

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Threat Intelligence

Cisco Talos


Secure Telemetry Reference Design

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Figure 17.           

Secure Telemetry Reference Design

Appendix D – Network Security

Network Security Capabilities

The following network security capabilities are obtained through consumption of telemetry data by various security products and analytical platforms operating as telemetry destinations. Implementation of a modern telemetry architecture ensures that these platforms get the telemetry they need to provide network security without compromise.

Capability Icon

Capability Name

Capability Description

Cisco Security Solution

Related image, diagram or screenshot

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection maintains complex models of what is normal, and, in contrast, what is anomalous. Not all anomalous traffic is malicious, and therefore deviations in the network are classified into event categories to assign severity to the anomalies.

Cisco AppDynamics

Cisco Cyber Vision

Cisco DNA Center

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics

Cisco Secure Network Analytics

Cisco Secure Workload

Cisco ThousandEyes

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Flow Analytics

Network Detection and Response (NDR) solutions leverage pre-existing infrastructure to offer enterprise-wide, contextual visibility of network traffic. Flow information can be used to conduct forensic analysis to aid in lateral threat movement investigations, ensure ongoing zero trust verification is provided, and modern tools can even detect threats in encrypted traffic.

Cisco AppDynamics

Cisco Cyber Vision

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics

Cisco Secure Network Analytics

Cisco Secure Workload

Cisco ThousandEyes

Related image, diagram or screenshot


Centralized event information collection. Reviewing these events allows organizations to track historical events that can be used to baseline performance, retrieve historical information, and identify disruptions.

Cisco Security Network Analytics

Cisco Security Cloud Analytics

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All telemetry starts with data collection. Monitoring allows a device or application to collect and export telemetry data for use in analytics platforms. It can include statistics, event records and logs, and much more.

Cisco Secure Firewall

Cisco Routers

Cisco Secure Client (NVM)

Cisco Nexus/Catalyst Switch


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Extended detection and response (XDR)

Extended detection and response (XDR) capabilities provide visibility and actionable insights across networks, clouds, endpoints, and applications to help Security Operation Center (SOC) teams to hunt, investigate, and remediate threats.

Cisco SecureX


Appendix E - Acronyms Defined




Adaptive Security Appliance


Amazon Web Services


Denial of Service


Firepower Management Center


Firepower Threat Defense


Fully Qualified Domain Name


Internet Engineering Task Force


Internet of Things


IP Flow Information Export


Intrusion Prevention System


Identity Services Engine


Network Detection and Response


Network Configuration Protocol


Network Time Protocol


Network Visibility Module


Software Defined Wide Area Network


Security Group Tag


Security Information and Event Management


Security Operations Center


Simple Network Management Protocol


Transport Layer Security


Virtual Local Area Network


Virtual Private Network


Extended detection and response


Appendix F - References

     Cisco Blogs

     Cisco SAFE

     Cisco Telemetry Broker

     IETF RFC 9232


Appendix G - Feedback

If you have feedback on this design guide or any of the Cisco Security design guides, please send an email to [email protected].

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