Cisco SAFE Overview Guide

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Updated:October 8, 2023

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Updated:October 8, 2023


The Need for Cisco SAFE

Today, attacks like phishing, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats are common. No single product can successfully secure your business from these risks. An architectural approach that addresses the full range—from people, to devices, to applications—is needed. Your data flows from offices to the data center to the cloud. And you must understand where your data is to protect it.

Complexity is one of the main challenges facing security professionals. Technology constantly fragments into new uses, and organizations utilize dozens of products that do not interoperate seamlessly. This multiplies attack surfaces, which in turn complicates defenses. Fraudsters exploit this weakness to develop advanced threats for more lucrative schemes.

The industry desperately needs a resource that simplifies the problem. The solution must be comprehensive, credible, and about more than just products; it needs to focus on the threats to your business.

What is Cisco SAFE?

Cisco Secure Architecture for Everyone (SAFE) is a security model and method used to secure business. It focuses on threats—and best practices for defending against them. Cisco SAFE illustrates today’s business challenges in a language that changes the way we think about security. It uses simple concepts to focus on the complexities of today, so that we’re prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

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Figure 1.  Key to SAFE

SAFE provides the Key to simplify cybersecurity into Secure Places in the Network (PINs) for infrastructure and Secure Domains for operational guidance.

The Cisco SAFE Security Reference Model

Using a security reference model, the challenges of securing today’s business functions are simplified into a building block approach. The model incorporates today’s security best practices, architectural discussions, and laboratory-tested designs from the brightest security minds across Cisco, its customers, and partners. SAFE’s Cisco Validated Designs address critical security topics. They have been deployed, tested, and they document “how to do it.”

SAFE includes:

      Business use cases illustrating the surface that fraudsters can attack

      Security capabilities mapped to common threats within business use cases

      Reference architectures that logically arrange the security capabilities into blueprints

      Designs using the reference architectures for common deployment scenarios and solutions. Delivered as Cisco Validated Designs (CVDs).

The Cisco SAFE Method

The SAFE method customizes the model for individual companies. Using the SAFE toolkit and collateral, companies can analyze the threats and risks to their own business. Contact your Cisco account team to use the method in a guided SAFE workshop. The workshop can be refreshingly helpful because it brings departments of the company together that might not normally interact. Executives come together with stakeholders from business and compliance as well as security and Infrastructure technologists to map out concerns related to how security affects the business. The workshop results in a tailored security architecture for your business.

How to Use Cisco SAFE?

SAFE is not a single answer.

The model is a reference for common threats, risks, and policies across the business of a company. This does not mean that all companies are the same. Obviously, the concerns of retailers are not the same
as the needs of healthcare organizations. However, when viewing the challenges of security in its entirety, patterns begin to emerge. Regardless of the industry, certain business methods are likely to be employed and, consequently, exploited. Foundational capabilities and functional controls are necessary to defend the attack surface. For example, access to the network, utilization of business applications, and communications using email are common across all companies. Connections to the Internet for web browsing and to access services coming from the cloud present additional business security concerns. SAFE provides guidance to common business functions that require security capabilities, culminating in a reference for end-to-end security.

The SAFE method customizes the best practices of the reference model to individual companies. It ensures that business goals are measurably secured according to each company’s security policy and risk appetite, using the following steps:

      Identify business goals

      Break down the network into manageable pieces

      Establish a criteria for the success of the business

      Categorize risks, threats, and policies

      Build the security solution



Example Icon




A key with colorful stripesDescription automatically generated

Organizational Model

The Key to SAFE provides the Key to simplify cybersecurity into Secure Places in the Network (PINs) for infrastructure and Secure Domains for operational guidance.

Business Flow

A person sitting down with his hands on his chestDescription automatically generated

Use Cases

Business flows use colored lines to depict use cases and show where data flows through a network.


A red skull with white x and arrowsDescription automatically generated

Unauthorized Packets. This threat is blocked by firewalls.

The top security threats of an organization are catalogued.


A blue circle with white bricks in itDescription automatically generated


Capabilities are used to describe security functions.


A green square with arrowsDescription automatically generated

Logical Router. This logical router has firewall capability.

Architectures are used to logically arrange the security capabilities.


A purple hexagon with arrows and numbersDescription automatically generated

4451x with Firewall

Designs are used to provide specific products and services.

Table 1.        The SAFE Model Icons

The three phases of SAFE

Capability phase

Business flows, or use cases, are defined in this phase. Using them as a basis, security capabilities are applied to address threats, risks, and policy.

Small Branch Capabilities and Business Flows

A diagram of a computer security systemDescription automatically generated

Figure 2.  In the capability phase, business flows are analyzed to determine the required security capabilities.

Architecture phase

A logical security architecture is defined using the security capabilities that were identified in the business flows.

A diagram of a small branch architectureDescription automatically generated

Figure 3.  In the architecture phase, a logical architecture. Note that the security capabilities are arranged into business flows can still be identified.

Design phase

Using the security architecture, a specific design is created to implement the required security capabilities, complete with a product list, configuration, services, and cost.

A diagram of a small branch designDescription automatically generated

Figure 4.  In the architecture phase, a logical architecture. Note that the security capabilities are arranged into business flows can still be identified.

SAFE’s toolkit and collateral simplify the discussion

SAFE bridges the gap between business and technical audiences by providing a communal security-centric language for business concerns and technical solutions. Using innovative icons, each business line can visualize the security required, including accounting for the gaps.

SAFE tools include:

      Capability icons to represent business flows and the appropriate security controls

      Architecture guides to reference appropriate layers of security and their justifications

      Design guides that provide solutions with step-by-step instructions on how to configure the infrastructure based on Cisco’s validated laboratory testing


A diagram of a safe overviewDescription automatically generated

Figure 5.  SAFE Guidance Hierarchy

Attack Surface

The attack surface of a company is anyone or anything that can be targeted. Any human, using any device, on any network, accessing any application can be attacked.

Attack Surface



Know who is on your network


Know that devices are not infected


Networks can be compromised


Services can be exploited

Table 2.        Attack Surface

A screen shot of a networkDescription automatically generated

Figure 6.  The attack surface that needs to be secured.

Securing the Attack Surface

The attack surface needs to be secured by appropriate capabilities. Each target may be part of a larger overall attack. By identifying a company’s business flows which represent the companys attack surface, proper security capabilities can be applied.

A diagram of a computer networkDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 7.  Security capabilities are applied logically to mitigate the threats along the attack surface.

Business Flows

Three categories of users have a role on your network:

Internal: Internal flows are activities that employees perform on the company network.

Third Party: Third-party flows are guests, vendors, service providers, or partners who access the company network.

Customers: Customer flows can be a variety of services, such as website portals and customer information.

Policy, risks, and threats affect each of them, requiring security capabilities for protection.

SAFE’s color-coded business flows illustrate the security needed for each role. These flows depict the attack surface, ensuring that controls are easily accounted for. For example, when an employee goes online to do research, or a customer makes a purchase on your e-commerce site, these activities provide fraudsters something to attack.

By documenting and planning the security of all business flows within your company, maintaining security is simplified.

A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

Figure 8.  SAFE color codes business use cases as business flows.

Functional Controls

Functional controls are common security considerations that are derived from the technical aspects of the business flows.

Functional Control


Secure Applications

Applications require sufficient security controls for protection.

Secure East/West Traffic

Data that securely moves between internal and external resources.

Secure Access

Employeea, third parties, customers, and devices securely accessing the network.

Secure Remote Access

Secure remote access for employees and third-party partners that are external to the company network.

Secure Communications

Email, voice, and video communications connect to potential threats outside of company control and must be secured.

Secure Web Access

Web access controls enforce usage policy and prevent network infection.

Table 3.        Functional Controls

A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated

Figure 9.  Business flows reveal functional controls to be secured.


SAFE’s capability icons simplify the security discussion by putting the focus on the function necessary to perform a specific feature before identifying a product.

For example, Cisco sells Adaptive Security Appliances, Firepower appliances, Meraki routers with firewalls, Cat6k with firewalls, and Cisco ISR with firewalls. For simplicity, any of these are identified by their capability (firewall). Subsequent SAFE steps will specify model and feature requirements.

Security capabilities are used to mitigate threats on the attack surface of a business flow. The appropriate capability icons are applied along the business flow based on the policy, risk, and threats of its attack surface.

For example, the “Employee researching product information” business flow is analyzed from source to destination.

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Figure 10.  Business Flow with Required Security Capabilities

Based on where they are applied on the business flows, security capabilities can be grouped into three types: Foundational, Access, and Business.

Foundational Capabilities

Foundational Capabilities work together to protect applications and traffic. They use segmentation, visibility, and analysis in a comprehensive architectural approach. All business flows require foundational security capabilities.

A diagram of a company's companyDescription automatically generated

Figure 11.  Foundational Capability Group: Secure Applications and Secure East West Traffic


Security Capability Icon

Security Capability Description

Threat Icon

Threat Description

IconDescription automatically generated


Stateful filtering and protocol inspection between layers and the outside Internet and service provider connections.

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Unauthorized access and malformed packets between and within the data center.

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Intrusion Prevention:

Blocking of attacks by signatures and anomaly analysis.

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Attacks using worms, viruses, or other techniques.

A blue circle with white text and a magnifying glassDescription automatically generated

Flow Analytics:

Network traffic metadata identifying security incidents.

A red skull with white gears and bonesDescription automatically generated

Traffic, telemetry, and data exfiltration from successful attacks.

A blue circle with a white folder with a white image and a white hat on itDescription automatically generated

Threat Intelligence:

Contextual knowledge of existing and emerging hazards.

A red and white bug with crossbonesDescription automatically generated

Zero-day malware and attacks.

A blue circle with a white logo and a shieldDescription automatically generated


Identify, block, and analyze malicious files and transmissions.

A red and white bug with crossbonesDescription automatically generated

Malware distribution across networks or between servers and devices.

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Policy-based segmentation

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Unauthorized access and malicious traffic between segments.

Table 4.        Foundational Capabilities

Access Capabilities

Access capabilities secure users, devices, servers, and applications as they access or provide network services.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 12.  Secure Access Capability Group: Secure Access

User Access

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Users: Employees, contractors, customers, and administrators.

Security Capability Icon

Security Capability Description

Threat Icon

Threat Icon Description

Logo, iconDescription automatically generated


Identity-based access.

IconDescription automatically generated

Attackers accessing restricted information resources.

Table 5.        User Access Capabilities

Device Access

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Devices such as PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets.

Security Capability Icon

Security Capability Description

Threat Icon

Threat Description

IconDescription automatically generated

Client-based Security:

Security software for devices with the following capabilities:



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Malware compromising systems.

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IconDescription automatically generated

Viruses compromising systems.

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Cloud Security

       IconDescription automatically generated

Redirection of user to malicious website.

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Personal Firewall

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Unauthorized access and malformed packets connecting to client.

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Posture Assessment:

Client endpoint compliance verification and authorization.

IconDescription automatically generated

Compromised devices connecting to infrastructure.

Table 6.        Device Access Capabilties

Server and Application Access

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Security Capability Icon

Security Capability Description

Threat Icon

Threat Description

IconDescription automatically generated

Server-based Security:

Security software for servers with the following capabilities:



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Identify, block, and analyze malicious files and transmissions.

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Malware distribution across servers.

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IconDescription automatically generated

Viruses compromising systems.

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Cloud Security:

Security services from the cloud

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Redirection of session to malicious website.

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Host-based Firewall:

Provides micro-segmentation and policy enforcement.

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Unauthorized access and malformed packets connecting to server.

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Posture Assessment: Server compliance verification, authorization, and patching.

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Targeted attacks taking advantage of known vulnerabilities.

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Disk Encryption:

Encryption of data at rest.

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Theft of unencrypted data.

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Flow Analytics:

Network traffic metadata identifying security incidents.

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Traffic, telemetry, and data exfiltration from successful attacks.

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Application Dependency Mapping:

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Exploiting a misconfigured firewall policy.

Logo, iconDescription automatically generated

Vulnerability Assessment and Software Inventory:

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Exploiting unpatched or outdated applications.

Related image, diagram or screenshot

Process Anomaly Detection & Forensics:

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Exploiting privileged access to run shell code.

Logo, iconDescription automatically generated


Grouping for Software Defined Policy

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Unauthorized access and malicious traffic between segments.

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Policy Generation, Audit, and Change Management:

IconDescription automatically generated

Targeted attacks taking advantage of known vulnerabilities.

Table 7.        Server and Application Access Capabilites

Business Capabilities

Business capabilities are used to secure risks introduced by business practices that are not handled by the foundational and access groups. Email, web access, and remote access directly connect to potential malicious entities (like the web, phishing, and compromised partners) which are outside the control of a company and require additional security capabilities.

A close-up of a blue and white websiteDescription automatically generated

Figure 13.  Business Capability Group: Secure Communications, Secure Web Access, Secure Remote Access


Security Capability Icon

Security Capability Description

Threat Icon

Threat Description

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Web Security:

Web, DNS, and IP-layer security and control for the campus.

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Attacks from malware, viruses, and redirection to malicious URLs.

A blue circle with a white and blue shield on itDescription automatically generated

Email Security:

Messaging integrity and protections.

A red skull with a magnifying glass and dollar signDescription automatically generated

Infiltration and exfiltration via email.

A blue circle with a white and blue logo with a eye and a folderDescription automatically generated

Application Visibility and Control (AVC):

Deep packet inspection (DPI) of application flows.

A red skull with white arrowsDescription automatically generated

Attack tools hiding in permitted applications.

A blue circle with a brick wall and a globeDescription automatically generated

Web Application Firewalling:

Advanced application inspection and monitoring.

A red skull with white arrowsDescription automatically generated

Attacks against poorly-developed applications.

A blue circle with white and black logoDescription automatically generated

DDoS Protection:

Protection against scaled attack forms.

A red skull with a white atom on itDescription automatically generated

Massively scaled attacks that overwhelm services.

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Virtual Private Network(VPN):

Encrypted communication tunnels.

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Exposed services and data theft of remote workers and third parties.

Table 8.        Business Capabilities

The Business Flow Capability Diagram

Combining capabilities with business flows creates a security capability map to the business. This map is used as the basis for the next phase in SAFE: The Security Architecture.

See the Appendix for all of these SAFE use cases with their capabilties.


A diagram of a systemDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 14.  The Secure Branch Business Flow Capability Diagram

Places in the Network

SAFE simplifies network security by providing solution guidance using the Places in the Network (PINs).




      Data Center



PINs are locations that are commonly found in networks and conceptually represent the infrastructure deployed in
these locations. They are blueprints for
the fundamentals that comprise today’s organizations: authentication, routing, switching, wireless, firewall, intrusion detection, and so on. Specific industry guidance for healthcare, retail, financial, and other verticals is covered in the Secure Domains.

A key with text and wordsDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 15.  Places in the Network

Secure Branch

Branches are typically less secure than their campus and data center counterparts. Economics often dictate that it is cost prohibitive to duplicate all the security controls typically found at locations when scaling to hundreds of branches. However, this makes branch locations prime targets and more susceptible to a breach. In response, it is important to include vital security capabilities while ensuring cost-effective designs in the branch.

Top Threats Mitigated in the Branch:

      Endpoint malware (POS malware)

      Wireless infrastructure exploits (rogue AP, Man in the Middle)

      Unauthorized/malicious client activity

      Exploitation of trust

For more information, refer to the SAFE Secure Branch Architecture Guide.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used to help defend against the attacks common in a branch.

A diagram of a computerDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 16.  Secure Branch Attack Surface and Security Capabilities

Secure Campus

Campuses contain large user populations with a variety of device types and traditionally few internal security controls. Due to the large number of security zones (subnets and VLANs), secure segmentation is difficult. Because of the lack of security control, visibility, and guest/partner access, campuses are prime targets for attack.

Top Threats Mitigated in the Campus:


      Web-based exploits

      Unauthorized network access

      Malware propagation

      BYOD—Larger attack surface/

      increased risk of data loss

      Botnet infestation

For more information, refer to the SAFE Secure Campus Architecture Guide.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities that are used to help defend against the attacks common in a campus.

A diagram of a computer networkDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 17.  Secure Campus Attack Surface and Security Capabilities

Secure Cloud

The majority of cloud security risk stems from loss of control, lack of trust, shared access, and shadow IT. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are the primary tool for businesses to dictate control of security capabilities selected in cloud-powered services. Independent certification and risk assessment audits should be used to improve trust.

Top Threats Mitigated in the Cloud:

      Webserver vulnerabilities

      Loss of access

      Virus and malware

      Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)

For more information, refer to the SAFE Secure Cloud Architecture Guide.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used to help defend against the attacks common in the cloud.

A screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 18.  Secure Cloud Attack Surface and Security Capabilities

Secure Data Center

Data centers contain the majority of information assets and intellectual property. These are the primary goals of all targeted attacks and thus require the highest level
of effort to secure. Data centers contain hundreds to thousands of physical and virtual servers that are segmented by application type, data classification zone, and other methods. Creating and managing proper security rules to control access to (north/ south) and between (east/west) resources can be exceptionally difficult.

Top Threats Mitigated in the Data Center:

      Data extraction (data loss)

      Malware propagation

      Unauthorized network access (application compromise)

      Botnet infestation (scrumping) data loss, privilege escalation, reconnaissance)

For more information, refer to the SAFE Secure Data Center Architecture Guide.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities that are used to help defend against the attacks common in a data center.

A screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 19.  Secure Data Center Attack Surface and Security Capabilities

Secure Edge

The edge is the highest-risk PIN because it is the primary ingress point for public traffic from the Internet and the primary egress point for corporate traffic to the Internet. Simultaneously, it is the most critical business resource in today’s Internet-based economy.

Top Threats Mitigated in the Edge:

      Webserver vulnerabilities

      Distributed denial of service (DDoS)

      Data loss

      Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)

For more information, refer to the SAFE Secure Edge Architecture Guide.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities that are used to help defend against the attacks common at the network edge.

A computer screen with iconsDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 20.  Secure Edge Attack Surface and Security Capabilities

Secure WAN

The WAN connects all company locations together to provide a single point of control and access to all resources. Managing security and quality of service (QoS) policies to control communication can be exceptionally difficult and complex.

Top Threats Mitigated in the WAN:

      Malware propagation

      Unauthorized network access

      WAN sniffing and MitM attacks

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used to help defend against the attacks common in a WAN.

A screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 21.  Secure WAN Attack Surface and Security Capabilities

Secure Domains

The Secure Domains represent the operational side of the Key. Operational security is divided by function and the people in the organization that are responsible for them. Each domain has a class of security capabilities and operational aspects that must be considered.

A colorful key with many pointsDescription automatically generated

Figure 22.  SAFE Model Secure Domains


Management of devices and systems using centralized services is critical for consistent policy deployment, workflow change management, and the ability to keep systems patched. Management coordinates policies, objects, and alerting.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used for the operations of Management.

A circular diagram of a computer systemDescription automatically generated

Figure 23.  Management Domain Capabilities

Security Intelligence

Security Intelligence provides global detection and aggregation of emerging malware and threats. It enables an infrastructure to enforce policy dynamically, as reputations are augmented by the context of new threats, providing accurate and timely security protection.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used for the operations of Security Intelligence.

A diagram of a computer systemDescription automatically generated

Figure 24.  Security Intelligence Capabilities


Compliance addresses internal and external policies. It shows how multiple controls can be satisfied by a single solution. Examples of external compliance include PCI, HIPAA, and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX).

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used for Compliance.

A green circular chart with iconsDescription automatically generated

Figure 25.  Compliance Capabilities


Segmentation establishes boundaries for data and users. Traditional manual segmentation uses a combination of network addressing, VLANs, and firewalls for policy enforcement. Advanced segmentation leverages identity-aware infrastructure to enforce automated and scalable policies.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used for Segmentation.

A circular diagram of a computer networkDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 26.  Segmentation Capabilities

Threat Defense

Threat Defense provides visibility into the most evasive and dangerous cyber threats. Using network traffic telemetry, reputation, and contextual information, it enables assessment of the nature and potential risk of the suspicious activity so you can take corrective action.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used for the operations of Threat Defense.

A yellow circular chart with iconsDescription automatically generated

Figure 27.  Threat Defense Capabilities

Secure Services

Secure Services provide technologies such as access control, virtual private networks, and encryption. This domain includes protection for insecure services such as applications, collaboration, and wireless.

The following figure shows the progression of security capabilities used for Secure Services.

A circular diagram of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 28.  Secure Services Capabilities

SAFE Capabilities

Capabilities describe the primary functions of a security service. The following table provides a definition for the capabilities used in SAFE. The recommended products are mapped to each capability, where and when it is used, and the top threats mitigated.

Attack Surface

Attack Surface Examples

Security Capability Icon

Secuity Capability Description

Places in the Network

Suggested Cisco Components


Users: Employees, contractors, customers, and administrators.

Logo, iconDescription automatically generated

Identity/ Authorization:

Restriction of user access to services and resources.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Secure WAN

Identity Services Engine (ISE)


Meraki Mobile Device Management


Clients: Devices such as PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets.

A blue circle with a white key on the screenDescription automatically generated

Client-Based Security: Security software to protect clients.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure External Zones

Secure Endpoint

Secure Client

Secure Access


A blue circle with a white logo and a shieldDescription automatically generated


A blue circle with a white symbol and a shieldDescription automatically generated


A blue circle with a white cloud with a shield on itDescription automatically generated

Cloud Security

A blue circle with white bricks in itDescription automatically generated

Personal Firewall

A blue circle with white key and check marksDescription automatically generated

Posture Assessment:

Client endpoint compliance verification and authorization.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure External Zones

Secure Client


Identity Services Engine


Wired Network:

Physical network infrastructure; routers, switches, used to connect access, distribution, core, and services layers together.

IconDescription automatically generated

Firewall Segmentation:

Stateful filtering and protocol inspection.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Data Center

Secure External Zones

Secure WAN

Secure Firewall

Meraki MX

Secure Cloud

Multicloud Defense

Secure Firewall


IconDescription automatically generated

Intrusion Prevention System:

Identification of attacks by signatures and anomaly analysis.

Secure Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Secure External Zones

Secure WAN

Secure Firewall


Logo, iconDescription automatically generated


Contextual Segmentation

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Nexus/Catalyst/Meraki Switch VLANs

Identity Services Engine, pxGrid, TrustSec

Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) Endpoint Group (EPG)

Wireless Network:

Branches vary from having robust local wireless controller security services to a central, cost- efficient model

A blue circle with white text on itDescription automatically generated

Mobile Device Management (MDM):

Endpoint access control based on policies.

Secure Edge


Meraki Mobile Device Management

Identity Services Engine

A blue circle with a white logo and a wifi symbolDescription automatically generated

Wireless Rogue Detection:

Detection and containment of malicious wireless devices that are not controlled by the company.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Meraki Wireless

Wireless LAN Controller

A blue circle with a wifi symbol and a magnifying glassDescription automatically generated

Wireless Intrusion Prevention (WIPS):

Blocking of wireless attacks by signatures and anomaly analysis.


Analysis of network traffic within the campus.

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Identify, block, and analyze malicious files and transmissions.


Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Secure WAN

Secure External Zones

Secure Endpoint

IconDescription automatically generated

Threat Intelligence:

Contextual knowledge of emerging hazards.

Secure Branch

Secue Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Secure WAN


Talos Threat Intelligence

IconDescription automatically generated

Flow Analytics:

Network traffic metadata identifying security incidents.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Secure WAN

Secure Network Analytics

Secure Cloud Analytics



Public and untrusted Wide Area Networks that connect to the company, such as the Internet.

A blue circle with white and black logoDescription automatically generated

VPN Concentrator:

Encrypted remote access.

Secure Edge

Secure Firewall

Meraki MX

A blue circle with white text and binary code in centerDescription automatically generated

Virtual Private
Network (VPN):

Encrypted communication tunnels.

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure WAN

External Zones

Secure Firewall

Meraki MX


A blue circle with white and black logoDescription automatically generated

DDoS Protection:

Protection against scaled attack forms.

Secure Edge

Secure DDoS



A blue circle with a white cloud with a shield on itDescription automatically generated

Cloud Security:

Secure Internet Gateway or Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Secure Branch

Secure Campus

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge

Secure External Zones

Secure WAN

Secure Access


A blue and white logoDescription automatically generated

DNS Security:

Enforces security at the DNS layer to block malware, phishing, and command and control callbacks over any port.

A blue circle with white bricks in itDescription automatically generated


Macro segmentation is the process of separating a network topology into smaller sub-networks, often known as zones. A firewall is typically the enforcement point between zones in a network.

A blue circle with a magnifying glass and shieldDescription automatically generated

Intrusion Prevention:

An intrusion prevention system (IPS) provides network visibility, security intelligence, automation, and advanced threat protection.

A blue and white logo with a shield on the earthDescription automatically generated

Web Security:

A full proxy that can log and inspect all your web traffic for greater transparency, control, and protection. IPsec tunnels, PAC files and proxy chaining can be used to forward traffic for full visibility, URL and application-level controls, and advanced threat protection.

A blue and white logo with a globe in itDescription automatically generated

Web Reputation Filtering:

Compares each new website visited against known sites and then blocks access to sites that launch malicious code.

A blue circle with white text and a circle with white textDescription automatically generated

TLS/SSL Decryption:

Ability to decrypt and inspect encrypted web traffic and block hidden attacks.

A blue and white logo with a shield on the earthDescription automatically generated

Remote Browser Isolation:

Provides an added layer of protection against browser-based security threats for high-risk users. RBI moves the most dangerous part of browsing the internet away from the end user’s machine and into the cloud.

A blue circle with a shield over a brick wallDescription automatically generated

Network Anti-Malware:

Advanced malware’s goal, in general, is to penetrate a system and avoid detection. Once loaded onto a computer system, advanced malware can self-replicate and insert itself into other programs or files, infecting them in the process. Anti-malware protection should be implemented in both the network (to prevent initial infection and detect attempts of spread) and in the endpoint (to prevent endpoint infection and remove unwanted threats). This capability represents network anti-malware.

A blue circle with a white bug on top of a boxDescription automatically generated

Malware Sandbox:

Inspects and Analyzes suspicious files.


A blue and white logoDescription automatically generated

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB):

An intermediary between cloud providers, cloud-based applications, and cloud consumers to enforce an organization’s security policies and usage.

A blue circle with white textDescription automatically generated

Data Loss Prevention:

Designed to stop sensitive information from leaving an organization. The goal is to stop information such as intellectual property, financial data, and employee or customer details from being sent, either accidentally or intentionally, outside the corporate network.

A blue circle with a white and blue logo with a eye and a folderDescription automatically generated

Application Visibility & Control:

Visibility and access control to approved web applications.



A blue circle with white text and a magnifying glassDescription automatically generated

Application Dependency Mapping:

Creates a map of all the components of an application. Enables network admins to build tight network security policies based on various signals such as network flows, processes, and other side information like load balancer configs.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Workload

A blue circle with white letters and a magnifying glassDescription automatically generated

Process Anomaly Detection & Forensics:

Anomaly detection is provided by performing hash analysis of all httpd binaries on the system, and reporting any mismatches. For all processes across the workloads if the rootscope, executable binary path, OS version or package info does not match the expected value, it is reported. Forensics enables monitoring and alerting for possible security incidents by capturing real-time forensic events and applying user-defined rules.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Workload

A blue circle with white triangles and linesDescription automatically generated

Continuous Vulnerability Scanning:

Continuously acquire, assess, and take action on new information in order to identify vulnerabilities, remediate, and minimize the window of opportunities for attackers.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Workload

A blue circle with a white tagDescription automatically generated

Tagging/Grouping for Software Defined Policy:

Segmentation using Endpoint Groups (EPG), TrustSec Security Group Tag (SGT), or VLANs.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Workload

Secure Firewall

A blue circle with a clipboard with check marksDescription automatically generated

Policy Generation, Audit and Change Management:

The output of application dependency mapping provide an allowed access list policy. This policy will need to be audited and changed as required.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Workload


A blue circle with white and black logoDescription automatically generated


Micro-segmentation secure applications by expressly allowing particular application traffic and, by default, denying all other traffic. Granular east-west policy control provides a scalable way to create a secure perimeter zone around each workload with consistency across different workload types and environments.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Workload


A blue circle with a white and blue logo with a eye and a folderDescription automatically generated

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP):

A security technology that is built or linked into an application or application runtime environment, and is capable of controlling application execution and detecting and preventing real-time attacks.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center



A blue circle with a white symbol and a shieldDescription automatically generated


Anti-Virus typically deals with older established threats such as trojans, viruses and worms. Anti-Virus is generally included in Anti-Malware solutions which also can detect new modern day threats. Anti-Malware solutions typically also include Anti-Virus capabilities.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Endpoint


A blue circle with a white logo and a shieldDescription automatically generated


Advanced malware’s goal, in general, is to penetrate a system and avoid detection. Once loaded onto a computer system, advanced malware can self-replicate and insert itself into other programs or files, infecting them in the process. Anti-malware protection should be implemented in both the network (to prevent initial infection and detect attempts of spread) and in the endpoint (to prevent endpoint infection and remove unwanted threats). This capability represents endpoint anti-malware.

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Endpoint


Information storage on all media types.

IconDescription automatically generated

Disk Encryption

Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Cloud Storage Provider

Data Center Provider

Server-Based Security:

Security software to protect hosts.

A blue circle with a shield on itDescription automatically generated


Secure Cloud

Secure Data Center

Secure Edge


IconDescription automatically generated


Cisco Secure Endpoint

IconDescription automatically generated


Cisco Secure Endpoint

IconDescription automatically generated

Cloud Security

Cisco Umbrella

IconDescription automatically generated

Host-based Firewall

Cisco Secure Workload

A blue circle with a white and blue shield on itDescription automatically generated

Email Security:

Messaging integrity and protections.

Secure Data Center

Secure Cloud

Secure Edge

Cisco Secure Endpoint

Cisco Duo

A blue circle with a white bug on top of a boxDescription automatically generated

Malware Sandbox:

Detonation and analysis of file behavior.

Secure Data Center

Secure Internet

Secure Malware Analytics



A blue circle with white outline of a file folderDescription automatically generated


Centralized event information collection.


Secure Cloud Analytics

Secure Network Analytics

A blue circle with a clipboard with check marksDescription automatically generated


Unified infrastructure management and compliance verification.

Firewall Management Center

Cisco Defense Orchestrator

A blue clock with white handsDescription automatically generated

Time Synchronization:

Device clock calibration.

All systems and devices

A blue circle with white triangles and linesDescription automatically generated

Vulnerability Management: Continuous scanning and reporting of infrastructure.

Vulnerability Management (Kenna)

Firewall Management Center

Cisco Defense Orchestrator

A blue circle with white gears and textDescription automatically generated

Analysis/ Correlation:

Security event management of real-time information.

Secure Cloud Analytics

Secure Network Analytics


Firewall Management Center

A blue circle with white letters and a magnifying glassDescription automatically generated

Anomaly Detection:

Identification of infected hosts scanning for other vulnerable hosts.

Secure Cloud Analytics

Secure Endpoint

Secure Network Analytics


Firewall Management Center

Cisco Defense Orchestrator

A blue circle with a magnifying glass and a globeDescription automatically generated


Network traffic inspection.

Secure Cloud Analytics

Secure Network Analytics


Table 9.        SAFE Capabilities

The SAFE Architecture

The SAFE security reference architecture logically maps business flows to security capabilities from the source to the destination using Places in the Network (PINs). Each PIN has architectural layers that define where and why security controls are used.

A diagram of a computer networkDescription automatically generated

Figure 29.  SAFE Model. The SAFE Model simplifies complexity across a business by using Places in the Network (PINs) that it must secure.

The Attack Surface and Architecture Layers

The SAFE architecture uses layers that align to the attack surface. Business use cases connect through the network to application services. Each layer has standardized controls relating to its function. Some layers provide access and visibility while others perform enforcement. Not all PINs contain all layers (see further definition in the architecture guide for each Place in the Network).

A diagram of a computer attackDescription automatically generated

Figure 30.  Alignment of attack surface to architecture layers

Attack Surface: Human

A Business Use Case is a role performed by a Human connecting to network services.

A screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 31.  Human Attack Surface

Business Use Case Layer

Humans use network services to perform business functions. Each business use case defines what services are needed and where the flow of data will go. Some users will perform multiple roles requiring respective security.

Humans can be the weakest link in your security architecture. If their identity is compromised, downstream technical controls can be bypassed. Visibility and segmentation limit the impact of compromised employees, malicious partners, or customers.

A blue circle with black textDescription automatically generated

Figure 32.  Identity Capability

Attack Surface: Devices

The Devices layer includes devices that vary from traditional PCs and laptops to smart phones, tablets, and increasingly, things such as building controls, cameras, and robotics. Devices require respective client-based security defined by policy.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 33.  Device Attack Surface

Endpoints Layer

Zero day and other advanced attacks can bypass existing security. A secure company uses the network and the devices connecting to it as baselines of behavior. Under attack, new behavior compared to baselines provides alarm.

A diagram of a computer security systemDescription automatically generated

Figure 34.  Client-Based Security Capabilities

Attack Surface: Network

The SAFE model aligns to the traditional network model of access, distribution, and core. Each layer in the hierarchy benefits by dividing a flat network into scalable blocks. Traffic remains local unless it is destined for other networks, and it is elevated to a higher layer. The network acts as a sensor utilizing flow analytics to capture anomalies and provide visibility to attacks.

A diagram of a network connectionDescription automatically generated

Figure 35.  Network Attack Surface

Access Layer

The purpose of the access layer is to securely connect humans and devices to the network. It connects to the distribution layer and is the first line of enforcement to the rest of the network. Its purpose is to identify and segment users, and to assess compliance of devices seeking access. This layer enables enforcement of violations of posture, identity, or anomalous behavior.

Distribution Layer

This layer is an aggregation point for all of
the access switches. It controls the boundary between the access and core layers and serves as an integration point for security capabilities such as IPS and network policy enforcement.

Core Layer

The core layer provides high-speed, highly redundant forwarding services, connecting the distribution layer to the services layer. In smaller locations not requiring scale, distribution or access layers connect directly to the core.

A screenshot of a phoneDescription automatically generated

Figure 36.  Network Capabilities

Attack Surface: Applications

The purpose of the services layer is to provide and secure services used by business functions.

A screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 37.  Application Attack Surface

Services Layer

The services layer typically connects to the core layer and provides foundational capabilities. The security capabilities segment traffic and provide visibility into separated business flows. Through analytics, each Place in the Network has protection from known malware and other malicious intrusions. In the event of zero-day attacks where the threat has not been categorized, flow analytics identifies anomalous behavior, reducing time to detection. Policy is enforced against violations.

Business-based security protects against threats introduced outside the company, such as email correspondence, web surfing, and remote access. Many businesses need to satisfy compliance mandates using rogue wireless detection regardless of whether the company uses wireless itself. If a company uses wireless for business functions, WIPS is needed in addition to foundational IPS.

A diagram of security systemsDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 38.  Application Capabilities


Companies are threatened by increasingly sophisticated attacks. SAFE provides a model and a method for simplifying the complexity associated with defense. By segmenting company business into role-based business flows, appropriate security capabilities are applied. Organizing these capabilities into architectures, SAFE standardizes how the business is secured. Finally, designs complete with materials, configurations, and cost are created based on these security business architectures.

SAFE simplifies the security challenges of today and prepares for the threats of tomorrow.


Appendix A – Business Flows

Internal Business Flows

A diagram of a computer programDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 39.  Internal Business Flows

Third-Party Business Flows

A diagram of a computer security systemDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 40.  Third-Party Business Flows

Customer Business Flows

A diagram of a computer security systemDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 41.  Customer Business Flows

Appendix B - Feedback

If you have feedback on this design guide or any of the Cisco Security design guides, please send an email to [email protected].

For more information on SAFE, see

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